

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Nokia N900 connected to Arduino over Bluetooth

This post is a proof of concept that describes how to connect N900 to Arduino using BlueSMiRF Gold. Once it is working, you can send charactors to the Arduino. Arduino returned the same characters immediately to X Terminal. Otherwise you will not see any typed charactors in the terminal.

The LED on the BlueSMiRF turns from flashing a red LED to light up a green LED when communication is successfuly established.


Nokia N900


BlueSMiRF Gold from Sparkfun (Please change Baudrate to 9600. Instruction is here.)


BlueSMiRF Gold            Breakout Board for FT232RL USB to Serial

VCC <–> 3.3v


TX-O <–> RXD

RX- I <–> TXD

Setup on Arduino

Upload this code to Arduino. It is a echo program that returned the same received signals.

Setup on N900

1) Open Application manager
2) Select download
3) Search “rootsh” by typing
4) Install the application
5) Open “X Terminal” and execute following commands.

> sudo gainroot
Root shell enabed

> rfcomm – r connect 0 <MAC address> 1
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to <MAC address on channel 1
CTRL-C for handup

Note: rfcomm -r connect (device number) (BT module MAC address) (Channel number).


Execute following commands to make sure it is disconnected otherwise you cannot reconnect.

> release 0 (device number that is used above)

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