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Blinking LED on Arduino NG with AVR MacPack first time

As Arduino has Atmel chip on board, you can also program code with C on your Mac. Softwares for the developing environment are all free. Programming with C looks more complicated but still all logic are the same as Arduion IDE and you can even create more functions with C. Once you have managesd to run your C language code on Arduio, you can also flash the code to other smaller or more powerful Atmel chips. This post describes how I as Mac user managed to write a code to blink LED on Arduion board.


Developing environment

  • AVR MacPack is needed to install a compiler for AVR chips. 
  • XCode should also be installed to write C language code.
  • Terminal is used to compile the C code and flash the code. This is installed on your Mac by default.
  • Number converter widget on OSX dashboard might be useful.

Creating project files


bash$ cd ~/Documents
bash$ mkdir AVR
bash$ cd AVR
bash$ avr-project Demo
bash$ cd Demo
bash$ ls
demo3.xcodeproj firmware
bash$ cd firmware
bash$ ls
Makefile main.c
bash$ avr-gcc-select 4     //AVR MacPack comes with gcc version 3 and 4. Make GCC 4 as default

Open Xcode. In Organizer view, you can select “Add existing folder” and import the Demo folder.


Writing code

Open main.c from the imported folder.


#include <avr/io.h>

#include <util/delay.h>


int main(void){

DDRB = (1<<PB5); // make Arduino Pin 13 (Atmega8 PortB bit 5) an output (%0000100)


char i;

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){

_delay_ms(30);      // max is 262.14 ms / F_CPU in MHz


PORTB ^= (1<<PB5);     // put Arduino Pin 13 (Atmega8 PortB bit 5) HIGH (%00100000)

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){



PORTB ^= (1<<PB5);     // put Arduino Pin 13 (Atmega8 PortB bit 5) LOW (%00000000)


return 0;


Compile and flash code

Now you can run the build process in the firmware directory


bash$ make

If there is no error, you can uploading code to Arduino NG (Atmega8). Don’t forget to press reset button on Arduino board.


avrdude -p m8 -P /dev/tty.usbserial-A1000eYN -c stk500v1 -b 19200 -F -u -U flash:w:main.hex

More information about avrdude command can be downloaded here (pdf).

command line options

-p partno
This is the only mandatory option and it tells AVRDUDE what type of part (MCU) that is connected to the programmer. (m8 -> ATmega8)

-P port
Use port to identify the device to which the programmer is attached.

-c programmer-id
Specify the programmer to be used. AVRDUDE knows about several common programmers. Use this option to specify which one to use. (Arduino NG uses stk500v1)

-b baudrate
Override the RS-232 connection baud rate specified in the respective programmer’s entry of the configuration file.

Normally, AVRDUDE tries to verify that the device signature read from the part is reasonable before continuing.

Disables the default behaviour of reading out the fuses three times before programming, then verifying at the end of programming that the fuses have not changed.

-U memtype:op:filename[:format]
Perform a memory operation, equivalent to specifing the ‘-m’, ‘-i’ or ‘-o’, and ‘-f’ options, except that multiple ‘-U’ optins can be specified in order to operate on mulitple memories on the same command-line invocation.
     flash The flash ROM of the device.
     w read the specified file and write it to the specified device memory 


LED on Pin 13 should start blinking.



Program Arduino with AVR-GCC

AVR MacPack Getting started

AVR MacPack Manual (local)

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