

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Infrared Object Detector

TV Remote controller use a infrared LED to send commands but anything hot glows infrared which means a infrared detect any thing hot. However, the infrared sensor for the TV remote controller only detects if the infrared flash with 38KHz.

This feature can be used in a object detection. Put both a infrared LED and infrared Sensor next each other. When the object come over the sensor, it reflect infrared light from the LED and the sensor detects the infrared light.

schematic iconschematic plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

cart_iconwhere to buy

38KHz Infrared Sensor x 1 / Akizuki Denshi, Japan

potentiometer x 1 / any component shop

Infrared LED x 1 / any component shop

Display a moving text on 8×8 matrix LED

It is very difficult to display a moving text on a matrix LED. You have to give 64 commans (8 x 8 matrix LED) in every milisecond but a MAX7219 makes the same result in a few commands.


schematic iconschematic plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetMAX7219 Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

MAX7219 x 1 / RS finland or YE International
10KΩ registor (black, brown, yellow) x 2 / any component shop
8×8 Red Dot Matrix LED x 1 / Akizuki Denshi, Japan

alternate_iconother matrix LEDs

RS finland has 8×8 matrix LED with interface chip (I guess a MAX7219 embedded in it) but it cost 40euro! You can buy 5×7 matrix LED at Bebek. It just cost a few euro.
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