

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Display a moving text on 8×8 matrix LED

It is very difficult to display a moving text on a matrix LED. You have to give 64 commans (8 x 8 matrix LED) in every milisecond but a MAX7219 makes the same result in a few commands.


schematic iconschematic plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetMAX7219 Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

MAX7219 x 1 / RS finland or YE International
10KΩ registor (black, brown, yellow) x 2 / any component shop
8×8 Red Dot Matrix LED x 1 / Akizuki Denshi, Japan

alternate_iconother matrix LEDs

RS finland has 8×8 matrix LED with interface chip (I guess a MAX7219 embedded in it) but it cost 40euro! You can buy 5×7 matrix LED at Bebek. It just cost a few euro.
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