

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

11.1.2016 presentation: Moody Thermometer by Alex, Marloes & Mathijs

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  • people use thermometers before they go outside, to check how much clothing they should wear
  • use of thermometers increases with extreme (hot and cold) temperatures
  • when extreme weather / temperatures occur, many people seem to feel the urge to post images of thermometers online

Behaviour changes:

  • takes away for the need to walk to the thermometer and look at the thermometer consciously, it allows you to perceive the temperature everywhere in the room without a conscious readout
  • The use of rhythm and / or music has the potential to change people’s moods


  • gives an abstract impression of the temperature, instead of an exact number, the feeling can be directly translated to the feeling outside.
  • music / rhythm is playful.
  • attention seeking thermometer

Description of the idea:

thermometer / knocking / alarm clock
The thermometer has a helpless moody personality, he needs attention all the time.
He keeps knocking until you take him inside, this way you feel the real feeling of the outside air, the wind, the humidity, … as the thermometer only tells temperature. You can feel the thermometers feelings this way.

For the slides of the presentation:

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