

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Read RFID Tags

RFID Demo movie

You can use Parallax RFID reader module to identify object from a large set by hiding RFID card inside it. Basically reader has two signal pins, one out and one in. First is used to enable/disable reading, second is used for reading the card identification number.

RFID connection schematics
RFID Connection schematics

We had some issues, as we did not know how to connect RFID reader to Arduino, so we connected it to Basic Stamp board. However, as we needed Arduino for our project also, we had problems connecting two boards to Mac laptop. This was solved by putting wires from Basic Stamp digital outs to Arduino digital inputs, thus reading the RFID through Arduino.

However we still were left with some noise problems (maybe because of long wires between Stamp and Arduino), triggering the card read even though the reader itself was not firing. We achieved to get it to smaller levels by using battery instead of electrical outlet. Some of noise was there still in the end, so we probably should inspect using noise-removal algorithms in the code.

We added this kind of behaviour to Parallax example RFID code (see product page) for rerouting RFID readings (as tag numbers) to Arduino:

  DEBUG DEC tagNum, CR

  ' send digital 1 to pin corresponding the card number
  IF tagNum = 1 THEN
     HIGH 11
     PAUSE 1000
     LOW 11

  IF tagNum = 2 THEN
     HIGH 12
     PAUSE 1000
     LOW 12


Of course the amount of pins limits the amount of cards, so probably it would be wiser to use variation of voltage in analog signal to separate between different cards. Then again, this might suffer from noise signal, so what to do…

More info from the product Internet pages

Kalle Mäntsälä & Tuomo Tarkiainen

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Category: Media Lab Helsinki, Snippets


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