

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Simple quiz

Basic idea is to ask quenstions from usen and whether the answer is right – green led will light up or if the answers wrong – red led will light up. It also counts the amount of right answers. It’s easy to continue quiz with further questions since right now there’s only one. Setup1Setup2Setup3

Pii Paappanen

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Category: Media Lab Helsinki, Student Projects


One Response

  1. ppaappan says:

    The code:

    //Questionnaire by Pii Paappanen 2007
    //Thanks to Miska for the if-answered routine and
    //* SERIAL COM – HANDELING MULTIPLE BYTES inside ARDUINO – 01_simple version
    //by beltran berrocal

    int serIn; //var that will hold the bytes in read from the serialBuffer
    int ledPin13 = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
    int ledPin12 = 12; // LED connected to digital pin 12
    int question_answered = 1; // whether the question’s answered or not

    void setup() {
    pinMode(ledPin13, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
    pinMode(ledPin12, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output

    //auto go_to_the_line function
    void printNewLine() {

    void loop () {
    char name = (‘x’);
    int age = (0);
    //simple feedback from Arduino
    if (question_answered == 1)
    printString(“What is the name of president of Finland? \n”);
    printString(“Is it A: Tarja \n”);
    printString(“or is it B: Juho-kusti \n”);
    question_answered = 0;
    // only if there are bytes in the serial buffer execute the following code
    if(serialAvailable()) {
    //inform that Arduino heard you saying something
    printString(“You answered: “);
    //keep reading and printing from serial untill there are bytes in the serial buffer
    while (serialAvailable() > 0 ) {
    name = serialRead(); //read Serial
    if (name == ‘A’) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, HIGH); // sets the LED on
    Serial.println(“Right! \n”);
    delay (2000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, LOW);
    // indicates that the question has been answered
    question_answered = 1;
    else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, HIGH); // sets the LED on
    Serial.println(“Wrong! \n”);
    delay (2000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, LOW);

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