

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Arduino Programming A to Z

Designing interactions course

Date: January 24, 2010

Location: Media lab Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland

Paja blog account creation


  1. Arduino board (microcontroller)
  2. USB Type A-B

Setting up Arduino environment:

  1. Download Arduino Software from Arduino Download page
  2. Install USB driver. The install image is in the downloaded Arduino folder
  3. Select following setting when you run Arduino software first time.
    1. Tools > Board > Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/ ATmega328
    2. Mac: Serial Port > /dev/cu.usbserial-xxxxxxxx
  4. Install 3rd party libraries (How to install libraries)
  5. Run example code
    1. File > Examples > Digital > BlinkWithoutDelay
    2. File > Up load to I/O Board
    3. LED by digital pin 13 will start blinking. If not, you will received some error in red text.


  1. Exercise: Hello world – Arduino code
  2. Exercise: Flashing LED – Arduino code
  3. Exercise: Sending data to your PC (Serial.print, println) – Arduino code
  4. Exercise: Understanding ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – Arduino code
  5. Demo: Type of Numbers (Binary, Hexadecimal, Decimal, Signed Decimal) – Arduino code


  1. Demo: Variables type definitions – Arduino code
  2. Exercise: Arrays/Strings – Arduino code
  3. Exercise: Operators (+, -, *, /, %) – Arduino code


  1. Exercise: Functions – Arduino code
  2. Exercise: Looping structure (For statement) – Arduino code
  3. Exercise: Branching (If statement) – Arduino code
  4. Demo: Branching (Switch statement) – Arduino code
  5. Exercise: Data controls (ramdom) – Arduino code
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