

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Detect a metal or find RPM (revolutions per minute)

This sensor turns on when a metal get close to the sensor. This sensor can be used for not only detecting metal but also finding RPM of gear wheels.

Hall-effect sensor

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetHall-Effect Sensor Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

Melexis 90217 Hall-Effect Sensor x 1 / Parallax, USA
10 nF condenser x 1 / any component shop
5.7KΩ resistor (green, blue, red) x 1/ any compnent shop

LED x 1 / any component shop
470Ω resistor (yellow, purple, brown) x 1 / any component shop

you have to attach a magnet behind the sensor to enable it to work. It will give different result wether you put S-N or N-S.

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