

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Toothbrush Fairy

Toothbrush Fairies need to be happy and you can make them happy by brushing your teeth properly. 🙂 Especially good for kids to learn how to brush properly and for parents to track their kids brushing activities.

Toothbrush Fairy


A bonus idea I just came up with… 😛

Mirror mirror on the bathroom wall…

Makes people wash hands longer, in resulting better hand wash result.

  1. Detects when standing in front of a mirror and sink.
  2. A text appears on to mirror, “Take some soap and I’ll ask you a question…”
  3. After taking soap, the a question appears on the mirror with a 15 second progress bar.
  4. After progress bar is completed, the answer is shown in the mirror.

Instead of quiz question, there could also be jokes, etc.



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Category: Student Projects


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