

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

The Doorman

The doorman is a funny little interactive character, who welcomes every visitor to his domain, in this case Medialab. It is based on ultrasonic distance sensor, which detects the distance of the visitor and triggers a speech sample.  At this stage, the sensor differentiates five distances, which all have their unique speech response. The doorman is trying to get visitors attention and asks him/her to approach and figure out what message he has.

The sensor is attached to a basic stamp, which sends midi note data through a modified midi cable to a midi interface. Each midi note triggers a different sample in the Kontakt sample player.

The mouth of the doorman is made with three LEDs. The LEDs blink from side to side while sound sample plays.  The programming here was really awesome! 🙂 

The icing on the cake is doorman’s convincing (detective style) clothes. They invite visitors to a very intimate contact! 

 Ilkka Olander & Teemu Korpilahti 


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Category: Student Projects


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