Feb 11, 2007
Love Match – Touchsensor and Flash
This program calculates the love-potential between two people 🙂
Two touchsensors are connected to Arduino. When they are touched, the running program measures the values of the pressure-intensity during 5sec. The maximun and minimum of the measured values are saved to variables. Each second during the 5sec, the program adds the (Max – min) to a TotalSum and resets max and min. After the 5th sec. a function drawHeart is called which creates a heart on the screen calculating the size according to the TotalSum values we obtained. Got it? 🙂
Arduino microcontroller & IDE
Processing IDE
2 x Flexiforce touchsensor
(flash server connection and processing code by Aleksi Hyvönen and Viljo Malmberg)
Melanie Wendland, Jan Wolski