Needlepoint Robo

Needlepoint Robo is my embroidery project for e-embroidery workshop organized by Pixelversity, held at Pixelversity office at Helsinki Cable Factory on 17.-18.3.2012. The workshop explored the cossovers of traditional embroidery and electronics, combining crafting traditions with open design and DIWO (Do It With Others) attitude.

As the name tells, my embroidering technique of choice was needlepoint, pixel-like stitching on a double mesh canvas with thick wool tapestry yarn. I tried to find an idea where both the LED lights and the conductive thread circuits were an essential part of the design and not just attached on top of a random image. And here’s the result, a battery-powered small robot with green LED eyes and a red LED heart – kind of a love child of E.T. and Terminator:

Robo off

Robo with eyes on

Robo with eyes and heart on

Robo from the back

More information about the workshop and the process of creating Needlepoint Robo can be found at my website: I’m currently working on a pattern and instructions for the Robo, they will be available on my website soon.

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