This blog is primarily intended to support the “Generative Media Coding” and “Multitouch Interaction” courses at Media Lab Helsinki, Aalto University.
It also aims to promote discussion, sharing of information, resources and reflections on its main theme: interactive and generative media authoring.
Course participants are welcome to contribute and give feedback, by posting and commenting.
(header image by Video Jack)
Feedback: mail [at] nunocorreia [dt] com
openFrameworks Links
Media and Data Resources
Other Links
- Adobe Flash Developer Center
- Arduino
- C4ios
- Cinder
- Cocos2D
- Corona SDK
- Flight 404 (Robert Hodgin, Cinder)
- Form+Code – code examples
- Kinect Hacks
- libpd
- Max/MSP/Jitter
- Multimedia Development (Flash)
- NodeBox
- OpenSceneGraph
- PhoneGap
- Pocode
- Pure Data
- Quartz Composer
- Software Studies (Processing, HTML5/JS)
- Sparrow Framework
- TestFlight
- TouchDesigner
- Unity
- vvvv
- Web Media Development (JavaScript)
- Xcode