Category Archives: Multimedia Authoring

Course ended… thank you

Thank you to all that participated in the 2nd part of the Multimedia Authoring course. We managed to cover all the topics that were in the course programme. Some more deeply than others. I hope that the blog, and the … Continue reading

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Course files and topics

With this entry I intend to match the course files with the course topics. Some exercises belong to several topics, but still this classification could be useful. A reminder: the course files can be downloaded (or viewed, in the case … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2007 | Leave a comment

Extra tutoring session

As agreed last week, tomorrow (8/5/2007) there will be an extra tutoring session at 15h – (…). The topic will be: Flash basics (drawing, animation, symbols).

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2007 | Leave a comment

Course files

The course files can be downloaded (or viewed, in the case of .swf´s) from here: Updates: I´ve uploaded Flash 8 versions of the exercises, with the suffix “_fl8”. I´ve uploaded Flash MX 2004 versions of the exercises, with the … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2007 | Leave a comment

Multimedia Authoring, part 2

The second part of the course focuses on multimedia authoring with interactive and generative media, using Flash and ActionScript. Additionally, it explores managing external media and data. It also contextualizes Flash and ActionScript within multimedia authoring and object-oriented programming. Students … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2007 | Leave a comment