More blogs about coded media

Here are some favourite ‘blogs about projects/mediacode’:


On more of a ‘meta-level’:

And here are some coding artists I find interesting:


Casey Reaves:

Ben Fry:

Golan Levin:




Gabor Papp:

David Crawford:

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Han Hoogerbrugge

The work of Han Hoogerbrugge uses interactive animation in his explorations of alternative narration. His surreal world belongs, in my opinion, to the same universe of David Lynch, Residents, Charles Burns and Daniel Clowes. Highlights: his Nails and Hotel works.


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James Paterson

The illustrations and Flash animations of James Paterson are quite unique:

James Paterson

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Worth exploring… I sometimes feel frustrated by the navigation options, and long waiting times, but the animation and use of sound is quite good:


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Adobe Flash-related applications — Flex and Apollo

Adobe’s Flex and Apollo (still in “Adobe Labs” stage) both use Flash technology. Both are worth checking out.

About Flex:

Adobe® Flexâ„¢ 2 software is a rich Internet application framework based on Adobe Flash® that will enable you to productively create beautiful, scalable applications that can reach virtually anyone on any platform. It includes a powerful, Eclipseâ„¢ based development tool, an extensive visual component library, and high-performance data services enabling you to meet your applications’ most demanding needs.

About Apollo:

Apollo is a cross-OS runtime that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, Ajax) to build and deploy desktop RIA’s.

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Flash-related animation and 3D tools

For those interested in animation and 3D, I recommend two tools that complement Flash very well.

For 3D authoring with Flash, I recommend Swift 3D:

Swift 3D is the only 3D application to directly integrate with Adobe Flash and provides unrivaled vector rendering quality and output style options. Swift 3D’s toolset and interface allow anyone to quickly create 3D content while providing a full set of advanced tools to grow into. (…) Swift 3D MAX and Swift 3D LW are plug-ins to 3ds max and LightWave 3D, providing users of these high-end 3D programs with the same export options that Swift 3D provides.

If you’re interested in more advanced animation options than the ones Flash provides, I recommend Toon Boom Studio:

Toon Boom Studio V3.5 is ideal for individuals looking for an all-in-one animation solution, from drawing digitally, scanning hand-drawn animations, seamlessly importing existing artwork, to lip-syncing the animation, setting up the action in a 3D space and publishing animation projects for TV, HDTV, the Web and iPod

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Extra tutoring session

As agreed last week, tomorrow (8/5/2007) there will be an extra tutoring session at 15h – (…). The topic will be: Flash basics (drawing, animation, symbols).

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Portfolio: Diana Sousa

I’ve used Flash mostly for building website prototypes and make web promotions. I give you an example from the work I’ve done while working at the advertising agency Adsek, in Tampere.

It’s an online teaser to get subscriptions for a magazine. It has a small game where people where asked to decorate an empty room. I did the graphics and the animations but I didn’t know how to do the code for that game – so that’s the kind of thing I’d like to learn. Other basic things I couldn’t do there was the preloader and a link to the music (it’s an external swf file).

This was a low-budget project. The music was bought from online music libraries and the coding was done by the media agency Tremedia.

You can find it from here: (original version) (it’s still online, but they made some changes)

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Course files

The course files can be downloaded (or viewed, in the case of .swf´s) from here:

I´ve uploaded Flash 8 versions of the exercises, with the suffix “_fl8”.
I´ve uploaded Flash MX 2004 versions of the exercises, with the suffix “_fl7”.

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Best Practices and Coding Conventions for ActionScript 2.0

Adobe article on “Best Practices and Coding Conventions for ActionScript 2.0”:

Article on naming suffixes for object types in ActionScript:

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