

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Sound visualization using fire.

This is very interesting sound visualization.

Ruben’s Tube (wikipedia)

Maywa Denki Edelweiss Series

Maywa DenkiOfficial site

Edelweiss Series Video

Maywa Denki Tsukuba Series

Maywa DenkiOfficial site

Tsukuba Series Video


Tenori-on by Toshio Iwai and Yamaha

Tenori-on UK official site

Arduino + PD, Max/MSP

Arduino + Max/MSP by Marius Schebella

Arduino + PureData by Hans Steiner

Examples from Youtube

Final demos from Electronics and microcontrollers workshop

Control a mobile phone through serial communication

Microcontroller lists

Description: open-source physical computing platform

BASIC Stamp Microcontroller, Parallax, Inc
Description: Microcontrollers, Sensors. Media Lab’s favorate shop

Macromedia Director with Serial Xtra

Macromedia Flash with Teleo

Phidgets Inc.
Description: controlling diveices via USB

Processing with Arduino

Serial Xtra

Description: controlling devices with Macromedia Flash

Full color (RGB) LED

You can use RGB LED to make different colors of light.

RGB LED 6pin

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data Sheetnot available

cart_iconwhere to buy

RGB LED 5mm 6pin x 1 / Partco Oy, Helsinki
150 resistor x 1 / any component shop

There is another RGB LED but this is not available any component shop in Helsinki but in theory this LED can make full color.
RGB LED 5mm 4pin

Sensoring Light

You can use some color separation filters and light sensors to sensor different colors.

TSL230 Light-to-frequency Converter

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetTSL230 Light to Frequency Convert Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

TSL230 Light to Frequency Converter x 1 / Parallax, USA or Farnell InOne, Finland
0.1 µF condenser x 1 / any component shop

Seeing invisible light (infrared light)

This filter transmit only infrared.

infrared filter

Data SheetI haven’t found any datasheets.

cart_iconwhere to buy

Infrared LED x 1 / any component shop
Infrared Filter x 1 / Fimeko Oy, Helsinki

Remember infrared is invisible for your eyes so even if you look at the world through the filter, it shows only “Black”. You have to see it through a camera. Some cameras has the safety filter which cuts the infrared. In this case, your infrared filter won’t work. I found iSight and Nokia 6330 camera work well at least!
You need to chose one filter from several types of the infrared filters. It depends on which nano meter of infrared you want to transmit. Infrared LED generally emit 940nm light so the filter which transmits 940nm at maximum could be the most useful infrared filter.

Solar panels

If you embed a solar panel in your project, user don’t need to charge your interaction project at all. I made some experimental demo with solar panel.

video 1
video 2

schematic iconnot available yet

Data SheetI haven’t found any datasheet about this component

cart_iconwhere to buy

Panasonic Solar Panel BP-376634 / Bebek Electronic, Helsinki
LED x 1 / any component shop Glass Cutter x 1 / Clas Ohlson, Helsinki

Once I had a broken solar panel, I tried if its still make any power supply. It actually worked. movie shows that even half piece of solar panel is working.

Sensoring Colors

You can use some color separation filters and light sensors to sensor different colors.

schematic icon

PBasic code

Data SheetTSL230 Light to Frequency Convert Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

TSL230 Light to Frequency Converter / Parallax, USA or Farnell InOne, Finland
0.1 µF condenser x 1 / any component shop

color separation filter (red) SP-11
color separation filter (green) SP-10
color separation filter (blue) SP-9 / photograph shop

color separation filter (red) SP-8
color separation filter (green) SP-7
color separation filter (blue) SP-6

QT113 Touch sensor

SM v2 touch sensor demo.

if you touch it a lot, LED can be brighter…

SMv2 touch sensor demo

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetQT113 Datasheet


QT113 Parallax sample

Detect a metal or find RPM (revolutions per minute)

This sensor turns on when a metal get close to the sensor. This sensor can be used for not only detecting metal but also finding RPM of gear wheels.

Hall-effect sensor

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetHall-Effect Sensor Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

Melexis 90217 Hall-Effect Sensor x 1 / Parallax, USA
10 nF condenser x 1 / any component shop
5.7KΩ resistor (green, blue, red) x 1/ any compnent shop

LED x 1 / any component shop
470Ω resistor (yellow, purple, brown) x 1 / any component shop

you have to attach a magnet behind the sensor to enable it to work. It will give different result wether you put S-N or N-S.

QT113 Touch Sensor

This touch sensor can be used in many ways.

QT113 touch sensor
video 1
video 2

schematic iconSchematic Plan

Data SheetQT113 touch sensor Datasheet

cart_iconwhere to buy

QT113 touch sensor x 1 / Parallax, USA
10 nF condenser x 1 / any component shop

LED x 1 / any component shop
470Ω resistor (yellow, purple, brown) x 1 / any component shop


If you make a coil with the wire where you touch, you don’t even have to touch the sensor wire so you can have another thin material between your finger and the sensor wire. see video 2

Vibration Sensor or Touch Sensor

This sensor is very simple and tiny. It turns on while it is detecting vibrations. You might also use it as a touch sensor. It get a trigger when somebody touch it and release it.

vibration sensor

schematic iconSchematic Plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetPiezo Film Vibration Sensor Datasheet (ZIP file)

cart_iconwhere to buy

Piezo Film Vibration Sensor x 1 / Parallax, USA
220Ω registor (red, red, brown) x 1 / any component shop
zener diode x 1 / any component shop


The bibration sensor is quite cheep but it is not very sensitive to small bibrations.

Pressure Sensor

If you want to embed a sensor in your cloth, this FlexiForce sensor could be very useful. It is very light, thin and flexible like a plastic sheet.


schematic iconschematic plan

PBasic codePBasic Code

Data SheetFlexiForce Datasheet (ZIP file)

cart_iconwhere to buy

FlexiForce x 1 / Parallax, USA
220Ω registor (red, red, brown) x 1 / any component shop
0.01 µF condensor x 1 / any component shop

LED Array x 1 / Partco, Helsinki


LED Array can be substituted with 4 LEDs. You can buy LEDs in any component shop.

Communicate with wireless devices

I recommend to use Bluetooth devices to controll wireless devices. Bluetooth is very complicated device but ready Bluetooth modules are easy to use. For example, you can control a Bluetooth wireless device with your mobile phone or computer.

cart_iconwhere to buy

EmbeddedBlue 500 / Parallax, USA

PBasic codeManual including PBasic Codes

Data SheetDatasheet

alternative_iconAnother Bluetooth Module

Promi-ESD-02 / Lemos International, USA
FlexiPanel BlueMatik / Farnell InOne, Finland

XPORT: connecting a microcontroller to IP network directly

XPort is network device you can access from internet. It is as small as your thumb but it has webpages and some controll pins for other devices. For example, you can controll motors, lights and speakers via XPort.

cart_iconwhere to buy

XPort / Lantronix, USA
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