Jan 22, 2008
Perrito faldero (Lap dog)
Sound object that interact with the voice.
The aim is to create a metaphor of the digitalization of the sound, continue signal to discontinue signal, and to try to make a machine, which react with the voice’s expressivity.
input sound -> microphone -> audio interface -> computer (max/msp) -> arduino board -> motors -> output sound
Sound: the principally incoming sound is the voice.
Microphone: cardioid headband voice microphone.
Audio interface: it transforms the analog signal in digital information.
Computer (max/msp): It analyzes the information (pitch and amplitude) that comes from the interface with help of the fiddle object (Max/msp). For control and to communicate with the arduino, I use the arduino object.
Arduino board: the information that the analysis gives me, modify the number of motors that are active and the velocity of each one.
Sound object: is a small machine that consists in twelfth motors that are controlled by the input sound (voice). Each motor produces a pulse and repetitive output sound. Three of them have the possibility to control their velocity and others to control only on/off.
Sound: the pulse and repetitive sound is created by each motor with a propeller touching a fix material in each rotation.
Alejandro Montes de Oca