Feb 2, 2014
The experience of waiting
the experience of waiting a prototype focus:plan
My idea comes from my experiences with the weather and the means of transportation here in Helsinki.
When depending on public transportation waiting is a big part of it. The waiting can feel boring, cold and time goes extra slow when you are by yourself.
With my idea I See a potential to make the waiting more fun and bearable. It’s cold and often dark. So the prototype should confront that issue and try to create a more lively and cosy space where waiting is not a problem.
Different sensor could activate some kind of mood light that lights up where the passengers are. Maybe make them connect.
ex. these fake simple shadows appears when people stand in the waiting area, and they try to connect with other peoples shadows, so people are forced to recognize the other people waiting. Maybe even smile to each other or open up.
Here is a bad sketch of what I mean with connecting through some interactive projections or lights:
Here is a pdf of my idea:
the experience of waiting a prototype
Some inspiration from Germany: