Giedre Kligyte. email:

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2003 - 2004

2001 - 2002

1999 - 2000

1995 - 1999



User Interface designer and researcher in ITCOLE EU-IST project in Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki. 04.2001 - 03.2003





Fle3 demo
(uname:demo, psswd: demo)


Fle3 learning environment

ROLE: User Interface design, visual identity, graphic design, visual and functional (interactive) prototypes, contributing to conceptual design, carrying out the user interface development and integration till the final stage. Building on top of Zope platform and working with dtml files. Close collaboration with the development team and partner institutions, working in team and individually, balancing multiple tasks. Working in European project context, writing reports and research papers.

DESCRIPTION: Fle3 is a web-based learning environment. To be more specific Fle3 is a server software for computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Fle3 is Open Source and Free Software released under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). Fle3 is designed to support learner and group centered work that concentrates on creating and developing expressions of knowledge (i.e. knowledge artefacts) and design.

ROLE: Visual identity, graphic design and User interface design for a community website. Modification of Plone - open source content management system based on Zope platform. Working with dtml pages and Python.

DESCRIPTION: The web site serves as a community site and resource of information for practitioners (teachers), researchers and school administrators in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) field. The website has been initiated by ITCOLE (Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building) project.




ROLE: Working as a member of design and prototype development team. Graphic design, User Interface design and partial implementation of 2 web based learning systems: Fle3 and Synergeia. Working in European project context, writing reports and research papers.

DESCRIPTION: ITCOLE project focuses on developing innovative pedagogical models, design principles and technology for collaborative knowledge building to be used in European education.



Synergeia demo (html dummies)
Synergeia system


Synergeia learning environment

ROLE: Visual identity and graphic design, User Interface prototyping. The learning environment is based on BSCW groupwork system.






In the year 2001 I joined the Learning Environments research group in Media Lab UIAH and got deeply involved in design for CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning). As my final work (.pdf version) in Master's program I did the User Interface design for the Fle3 web based learning environment that was built on progressive inquiry pedagogical model and ideas provided by pedagogical partner researchers. My most important goal was to help the users to understand the underlying pedagogy through the design of the system and support the teachers/tutors in directing student interactions towards more desirable learning goals.

At the same time our research group participated in ITCOLE (Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning) European project that was initiated to draw theoretical research in CSCL, technology and school practices closer to each other. The project brought together different organizations and working practices, people with various backgrounds, interests and expectations to one multidisciplinary and multinational project in order to develop a Pan-European CSCL system. Trying to find a common ground and shared understanding among different partners in the project was a challenge and a very valuable experience.

Since my most important goal was to make pedagogical ideas visible through the design of the system, naturally I got introduced and eventually quite familiar with current issues in the fields of educational sciences and cognitive psychology. At the same time during my studies in Media Lab UIAH, I was widening my perspective in philosophy of technology, cultural studies in digital media, collaborative and participatory design. I also enhanced my writing and abstract reasoning skills. During last few years I have been writing several articles, participating in two CSCL conferences and having a poster presentation in one of them.

What I personally learned during my work in Media Lab is the ability to do individual self-motivated work, pursue self-risen goals and at the same time contribute to the research group's work. I noticed that general curiosity and willingness to learn new things is very beneficial for working in digital media. I learned to keep my eyes and ears open for different types of information from various sources and in that sense the distinction between my work and free time has become quite vague in my everyday life. During last couple of years in Media Lab I also gained strong belief in values and understood the importance of collaborative and constructivist learning. I believe that through education we should encourage people's active involvement in questioning and creation of participatory media rather than passive consumption of traditional media.




Updated at 10.2004