Getting started with iOS development

To get us started with Xcode, openFrameworks and C++, we’ll go through this post:
We will need Xcode (already installed in the Macs in our classroom):
and openFrameworks (for iPhone):

We will also need to get everyone in Aalto University’s Apple Developer program.
Course participants have already received the invitations.
After you’ve accepted the invitation, we will do this during the class:

1) In Keychain (applications > utilities):
Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a certificate from a certificate authority > save file

2) In the developer portal: > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > certificates > + > choose file > submit
Wait for approval.

3) Once approved: > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > certificates > download file

4) Double click downloaded file to open in Keychain.

5) Back to the developer portal: > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning profiles > download provisioning profile

6) In Xcode:
Organizer > Device: use for development (if not used before) > (login required)
Organizer > Provisioning Profiles > Import provisioning profile

7) Open and run one of the iOS openFrameworks examples in Xcode.

Make sure that the current exercise name and device are selected in the upper left corner of Xcode.

(updated 02/2014)

This entry was posted in Courses, iOS, Multitouch Interaction 2011, Multitouch Interaction 2012, Multitouch Interaction 2014, Platforms. Bookmark the permalink.