I ‘m planning to make a mindmap/note-making tool that I haven’t been able to find anywhere. (If you know one like this, please tell me and I can do something else :) )
The one thing I don’t like in mindmaps is that the layout is hierarchical and all the nodes are tied to hierarchy and each other with strings. What I need is kind of  a post-it brainstorming way of adding ideas and organizing them afterwards and more freely.
Basic features
- Fast writing neverminding the relation between words. Just write and hit enter and you have a node bubble.
- Orginizing  After writing down words you can freely drag, group, resize, edit, add, storage and delete the nodes.
- Storage of “not so good ideas” on the bottom of screen.
- Output/share (to image or pdf)
Some possible features
- Tag based categorizing and use of  self organizing map algorithm to “auto-organize” nodes based on their colors and tags.
- Rating
- Lines to make connections
- Draw to background
- Draw a picture into a node
- Media add an image or other stuff from web/drive.
- Multiuser mode
- Quick links (to google, music player)