

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work

Course materials for Interaction Design with Electronics workshop 2009 at UCIT

Date: August 3 – 7, 2009
Location: Graduate School in User-Centered Information Technology (UCIT) in Tampere, Finland

Course materials:


Introduction: 10.15-11:30 – PDF

Final demos from previous workshops – Youtube video

Assembling electronics: 14.00-15.00

  1. Basic tools
    1. BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller
    2. 9V power adapter, USB and RS232 cables
    3. Breadboards
    4. Jumper wires
    5. Multimeter
  2. Understanding schematics
    1. Flow of positive charge
    2. Popular components
    3. Markings in resistor
    4. Markings in capacitor
    5. Exercise: Assemble electronics – Photo
  3. Checking your circuit
    1. Measuring voltage, resistance and conductivity
  4. Exercise: Assembling touch sensor – Video

Setting up development tools: 15.00 – 16.00

  1. Installing BASIC Stamp editor
  2. Installing a USB driver for Windows if necessary
  3. Check connectivity between the BASIC Stamp and the editor by clicking Run –> Identify.
  4. Download BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual – PDF

Programming microcontroller

Basics: 9.15-10.00

  1. Exercise: Introduction (Flashing LED) – PhotoSchematicPBASIC code
  2. Exercise: Sending data to your PC (DEBUG, CR, TAB etc.) – PBASIC code
  3. Exercise: Understanding ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – PBASIC code
  4. Exercise: Type of Numbers (Binary, Hexadecimal, Decimal, Signed Decimal) – PBASIC code

Architecture: 10.00-11.00

  1. Constants (CON) – PBASIC code
  2. Exercise: Variables type definitions (VAR, BIT, NIB, BYTE, WORD) – PBASIC code
  3. Exercise: Arrays/Strings (BYTE(n)) – PBASIC code
  4. Exercise: Operators (+, -, *, /, abs, //) – PBASIC code
  5. BS2 Memory size – PBASIC code
  6. Binary Digit (Bit shift, Signed Decimal etc.) – PBASIC code

Controls: 11.00-12.00

  1. Exercise: Functions (Label, GOTO, GOSUB, RETURN) – PBASIC code
  2. Exercise: Looping structure (DO LOOP) – PBASIC code
  3. Exercise: Looping structure 2 (FOR NEXT) – PBASIC code
  4. Exercise: Branching (IF THEN) – PBASIC code
  5. Exercise: Data controls (RANDOM) – PBASIC code
  6. Exercise: Time/Power Control (PAUSE, SLEEP) – PBASIC code

IO Commands: 13.00-16.00

  1. Digital IO (HIGH/LOW, TOGGLE)
    1. Exercise: Flashing LED (10 units) – JPG, Schematic, PBASIC code
  2. Digital IO (PULSOUT)
    1. Exercise: Servo motor (10 units) –Schematic, PBASIC code
  3. Digital IO (INPUT)
    1. Exercise: Switch (5 units) – JPG, Schematic, PBASIC code
    2. Exercise: Reed switch (5 units): Switching by magnet – Schematic, PBASIC code
    3. Exercise: Tilt switch (5 units): Switching by tilt – Schematic, PBASIC code
    4. Exercise: Piezo Film Vibration sensor: Detecting vibration (5 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
    5. Exercise: QT113 touch sensor (10 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
  4. Digital IO (PULSIN)
    1. Exercise: Memsic 2125 Accelerometer: Measuring tilt and motion (5 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
    2. Exercise: Ping))) Ultrasonic Sensor: Measuring distance (5 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
  5. Analog IO (PWM – Pulse-width modulation)
    1. Exercise: Dimming LED (10 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
  6. Analog IO (RCTIME – Resistor–Capacitor circuit TIME)
    1. Exercise: Photoresistor: Measuring ambient light (8 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
    2. Exercise: Flexiforce Sensor Demo Kit: Measuring pressure (4 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
    3. Exercise: SoftPot Membrane and Rotary Potentiometer: Measuring touched location (4 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code
  7. Frequency (FREQOUT)
    1. Exercise: Piezo Speaker: Making sound (10 units) – Schematic, PBASIC code


Serial communication: 09.15-12.00

  1. RS-232
    1. Baud rate : One baud is one electronic state change per second.
    2. Parity : odd, even, or none
    3. Data bits : 5, 6, 7, or 8bits
    4. Stop bits : 1, 1.5, or 2 (often says true = 1 stop bits)
  2. Asynchronous Serial IO (SEROUT/SERIN, DEBUG/DEBUGIN)
    1. Debug command uses Asynchronous, 9600 Baud rate, None parity, 8 data bits, 1 Stop bits which is 84 in SEROUT buad mode.
    2. DEBUG variable = SEROUT 16, 84, [variable]
    3. If SEROUT uses Pin 16, the BASIC Stamp uses the dedicated serial output pin
    4. BASIC Stamp 2 baud mode table for SEROUT commands (More information in the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual)
    5. Exercise: Reading data from Photoresistor (DEBUG / SEROUT)  – Schematic, PBASIC code
    6. Exercise: Controlling LED (DEBUGIN / SERIN) – SchematicPBASIC code

Connecting BASIC Stamp to computer 13:00 – 14:00

  1. Processing
    1. Demo: Reading serial data in Processing code – SchematicProce55ing codePBASIC code
  2. Max/MSP
    1. Demo: Reading serial data in Max/MSP – Schematic, Max/MSP patch, PBASIC code
    2. Demo: Sending serial data from Max/MSP –Schematic, Max/MSP patch, PBASIC code
  3. Pure Data
    1. Demo: Reading serial data in Pure data – SchematicPuredata patch, PBASIC code
    2. Demo: Sending serial data from Pure data – SchematicPuredata patch, PBASIC code
  4. Flash
    1. Demo: Reading serial data through XML server written in Processing code – Schematic, Proce55ing code, PBASIC code, Flash file
  5. S60 Python via BlueSMiRF Silver bluetooth module
    1. Demo: Reading serial data in S60 Python – Schematic, S60 Python code , PBASIC code

Other components

  1. Demo: PIR (Pyroelectric InfraRed) Sensor, Motion detector – Schematic, PBASIC codeProduct info
  2. Demo: Hitachi H48C Tri-Axis Accelerometer Module – Schematic, PBASIC code, Product info
  3. Demo: Hitachi HM55B Compass Module – Schematic, PBASIC code, Product info
  4. Demo: Sensirion Temperature/Humidity Sensor – Schematic, PBASIC codeProduct info
  5. Demo: MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer Module (90° FOV) – Schematic, PBASIC code, Product info
  6. Demo: RFID Card Reader Serial – Schematic, PBASIC code, Product info, Demo video

Group work : 14:00 – 16:00

Group work: 9.15-16.00

Group work: 9.15-12.00
Presentation: 13.00-15.00
Clearing away tools: 15:00 – 16:00

Nuts & Volts Columms (BASIC Stamp Application Examples)

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Category: Course materials, Graduate School in User-Centered Information Technology


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