Generative Media Coding: May/2018


14/May/2018, 9-16h: Introduction to openFrameworks; Animation; Interaction; Forces
15/May/2018, 9-16h: Particle systems; Autonomous agents; Physics libraries; Audio
16/May/2018, 9-16h: Audio-visuals; Project development
17/May/2018, 9-16h: Project development
18/May/2018, 9-16h: Project development and presentation

The course is focused on the generative aspects of media design and coding, interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on controlling media behavior through code. Special emphasis will be given to crossings between sound and image: sound visualisation; sonification; audiovisual composition; visual music; etc. Course code is available at

The main development environment for the course will be openFrameworks (, although other environments will be explored. Students should have previously attended the Software Studies for Media Designers course, or demonstrate having acquired equivalent skills. Students are required to plan, develop, document and present a project at the end of the course. An introduction to openFrameworks:

Check what students have done last year here:, and in previous years in the menu above, under Multimedia Authoring (previous name for the course). We used openFrameworks in that course between 2011-16. You can also check a library of exercises, some of which we’ll replicate in class, here:

Recommended bibliography:

For Processing, but easily adapted to oF:

  • Bohnacker, H., Gross, B., & Laub, J., 2012. Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing. (C. Lazzeroni, Ed.). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Bohnacker, H., Gross, B., & Laub, J., forthcoming. Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with JavaScript in p5.js. (C. Lazzeroni, Ed.). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Pearson, M., 2011. Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing (1 edition). Shelter Island, NY, London: Manning Publications.
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