Author Archives: Nuno Correia

Kinectic Jam Sessions

On 28/2/2011, we had the first “Kinectic Jam Session” at Media Lab Helsinki. These sessions aim to be very informal and hands-on, based on showing and doing things together. Objectives: – Exchange experiences regarding development with Kinect or related technologies … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 2 Comments

Flash course at MediaBizLab, Aalto Media Factory

I am currently teaching Flash at MediaBizLab, Aalto Media Factory. The objective of this component of the course is to enable participants to create prototypes and interactive mock-ups. Program and resources 28/1 – Session 1: Basic concepts and managing information … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Media Biz Lab 2011 | Leave a comment

Microsoft’s Kinect controller hacked

Via BBC News: Microsoft’s Kinect controller has been hacked only a few days after it officially went on sale. Code to control the motion-capture device has been produced that allows it to be used with a PC rather than the … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, Kinect, openFrameworks, Processing | Tagged | Leave a comment

Quartz Composer and openFrameworks

ofxQuartzComposition is an addon for openFrameworks to load, control and render Quartz Compositions (.qtz files) inside openFrameworks. In the video above: two quartzcompositions (rotating cube + grid of morphing shapes) being loaded and mixed with openframeworks graphics in an openframeworks … Continue reading

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Adobe demos Flash to HTML5 converter

Adobe has recently demoed a tool to convert a Flash file to HTML5. Quoting Mashable: (Flash) animations or interactions will now be viewable on all kinds of devices — including the iPhone and iPad. This is where we think that … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, HTML5-JS | Leave a comment

Presentation on prototyping in new media art projects

Today I’ll be making a presentation at the Designing Interaction with Electronics course. Theme: Prototyping in new media art projects. Topics: Presenting the project plan and accessing funding Sharing intermediate results within a team (ex: internal milestone) Sharing intermediate results … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Designing Interaction with Electronics 2010 | Leave a comment

Software Studies for Media Designers – Flash and ActionScript

This week we will be studying Flash and the basics of ActionScript. Step-by-step tutorials for all the exercises (with one exception) and respective source/final files are available in this website I’ve recently completed: Themes and topics: 19/10 – Basic … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Software Studies for Media Designers 2010 | Leave a comment

Night Lights

From Vimeo: In this installation YesYesNo teamed up with The Church, Inside Out Productions and Electric Canvas to turn the Auckland Ferry Building into an interactive playground. Our job was to create an installation that would go beyond merely projection … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, openFrameworks | Leave a comment

Eye Writer

From The EyeWriter project is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people who are suffering from ALS with creative technologies. It is a low-cost eye-tracking apparatus & custom software that allows graffiti writers and artists with paralysis resulting … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, openFrameworks | Leave a comment

Processing for iPhone

iProcessing is “an open programming framework to help people develop native iPhone applications using the Processing language. It is an integration of the Processing.js library and a Javascript application framework for iPhone.” Link:

Posted in iOS, Platforms, Processing | Leave a comment