Author Archives: Nuno Correia

HTML5 – drawing and interaction on Canvas

Two recent videos on drawing and creating interactivity with the HTML5 Canvas Element using Dreamweaver:!/watch/adc-presents/user-drawing-with-the-html5-canvas-element/!/watch/adc-presents/create-interactive-experiences-with-the-html5-canvas-element/

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Useful video tutorial channels on Flash/Actionscript

There are now several interesting channels with tutorials on Flash, ActionScript and Flex on AdobeTV:

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Books on computational graphics

Two interesting books / resources tips: Generative Gestaltung The book is in German, but a English version is apparently coming out soon. The website also contains a large amount of Processing code examples: (via Till Bovermann) Graphics Gems … Continue reading

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Tonfall audio library for Flash

Tonfall is “an Actionscript framework to get you started in audio dsp programming within the Flashplayer”. It is “focussed on readability and simplicity than performance optimizations” Its author is Andre Michelle, one of the creators of the Popforge library, … Continue reading

Posted in Flash | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Project planning

The project development is a major part of the Multimedia Authoring course, and is required in order to successfully conclude the course. Ideally, these projects should be additionally presented at Media Lab Demo Day (26/5/2011) – this is the level … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 2 Comments

Introduction to oF, C++ and Xcode

This post is meant to provide instructions on getting started with oF, particularly with Xcode. It also provides an introduction to C++ to those coming from other programming languages (particularly Java/Processing and JavaScript). The Mac environment and Xcode will mainly … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011, Multimedia Authoring 2012, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, Multimedia Authoring 2013-12, Multitouch Interaction 2011, Multitouch Interaction 2012, Multitouch Interaction 2014, openFrameworks | 7 Comments

Tron Legacy and openFrameworks

Nice article on the special effects of Tron Legacy. Use of openFrameworks showcased:

Posted in Inspiration, openFrameworks | Leave a comment

Multimedia Authoring: Apr-May/2011

The course is focused on the generative aspects of multimedia design and the authoring process, interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | Leave a comment

Kinectic Jam Session 3

(continued from On 9/3/2011, the third and last (for now…) “Kinectic Jam Session” took place at Media Lab Helsinki. The objective of this last session was to provide some step-by-step tutorials on how to set up Kinect with different … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 4 Comments

Kinectic Jam Session 2

(continued from On 7/3/2011, we had the second “Kinect Jam Session” at Media Lab Helsinki.

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 1 Comment