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Category Archives: Software
Google Chrome Experiments
Google has also set up an HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript showcase, “Chrome Experiments”: http://www.chromeexperiments.com/ These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world using the latest open standards, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and more. Their work is making the web … Continue reading
Apple HTML5 Showcase
Apple has recently set up a HTML5 showcase: http://www.apple.com/html5/ The demos below show how the latest version of Apple’s Safari web browser, new Macs, and new Apple mobile devices all support the capabilities of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Not all … Continue reading
Posted in HTML5-JS, Inspiration
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Flash iPhone/iPad apps now possible
Adobe reverses ban on Flash iOS apps (and other third party development software): http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2010/09/great-news-for-developers.html As Adobe states: Apple’s announcement today that it has lifted restrictions on its third-party developer guidelines has direct implications for Adobe’s Packager for iPhone, a feature … Continue reading
Posted in Flash, iOS, Platforms
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Multimedia Development – new online materials for learning Flash and ActionScript
In August, I developed 3 “learning objects” related to Flash and ActionScript, entitled “Multimedia Development”: http://multimediadev.wordpress.com/ This is similar to an online course (although allowing for self-exploration), and somehow adapts some of the lessons I’ve been teaching in my latest … Continue reading
Posted in Flash
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Eaze Tween – Flash AS3 tweening library
Eaze Tween is a “smart, fast, chainable and compact Flash AS3 tweening library”. Link to the library: http://code.google.com/p/eaze-tween/ Link to a post about Eaze at the developer’s blog: http://philippe.elsass.me/2009/11/as3-eaze-tween-library-update/ A project built with Eaze and TUIO: http://techsparked.com/application/as3-tuio-hypeeaze-particles
Beyond HTML5: experiments with interactive audio
The combination of HTML5, JavaScript and the evolution of browsers will allow for audio manipulation and visualization similar to what can today be achieved with Flash. David Humphrey has been experimenting on top of Mozilla’s extensible platform. His explorations can … Continue reading
Google Chrome browser integrates Flash plug-in
Interesting news on the Adobe vs Apple vs Google saga: Google Chrome browser now integrates Flash plug-in: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/03/dev-channel-update_30.html
Flint Particle System
This is a good resource for particle emitter libraries. They also supply good documentation, examples and a useful tutorial that covers the basics. http://flintparticles.org/
“Throw” tutorial with physics behavior
From gotoAndLearn.com: a video tutorial for creating a “throwable” slider, with physics behavior (source file available): http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play?id=81
Flash, HTML5 and iPhone/iPad – Web Monkey article
There have been a lot of articles lately regarding the “future of Flash”, with recent moves by YouTube and Vimeo towards H.264 video, and Apple’s launch of a “flashless” iPad. This Web Monkey article is the best I’ve read so … Continue reading