Flare. Data visualisation in Flash.


Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel.

Flare looks extremely useful for anyone who is interested in developing interactive visualizations (e.g. time series, stacked bar, pie charts, graph) for the Web that run in the Adobe Flash player.



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Open-Source Web Graphics

Mozilla, Google Back New Plan for Open-Source Web Graphics

From Wired:


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Just Want to Share This – Play Auditorium

screen shot

screen shot


don’t know if some one had posted it here before. But it’s too beautiful to neglect. :)

How did they create those spray photons?

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Flash have some tools for manipulating 2D data in 3D space, but for real 3D, check this one.

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3D in Flash CS4

Using 3d in Flash, both as timeline animation and using ActionScript, is now very simple. Check out this Adobe article:


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Multimedia Authoring, part 2: 3-4/2009

The second part of the course focuses on multimedia authoring with interactive and generative media, using Flash and ActionScript. Additionally, it explores managing external media and data. It also contextualizes Flash and ActionScript within multimedia authoring and object-oriented programming. Students and teacher will exchange examples of Flash-based projects and online resources.

The “Sound in ActionScript” 3-session module is optional. Participants in this module will get one additional credit. The introductory level “Animation and Video in Flash” session is also optional.

Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2009 | 2 Comments

Microsoft launches Silverlight 3

It seems that finally Silverlight will be a worthy competitor to Flash.

From Webmonkey:

The new beta shows off new hardware integration, interactive controls and the ability to download Silverlight applications to your desktop. Silverlight 3 takes advantage of the latest in hardware. Most notably, it supports multitouch devices — the kind you’ll find mostly on Macs right now. The multimedia software also takes advantage of hardware (GPU) acceleration and 3-D visuals.

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wonderfl is a service where you can build a Flash(swf file) online.

Usually when you want to build Flash, you need Flash IDE or Flex, FlashDevelop or any flash building tool
to write code and compile it.

With wonderfl, you write Actionscript3 code in the html form on this website, and our server compiles your code.


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Conduit for Flash Pixel Bender

From http://lacquer.fi/conduit/pixelbender/ (via Timur Kuyanov):

The latest Flash Player version 10 introduces a powerful new feature: Pixel Bender shaders. Using shaders you can bypass Flash’s built-in image effects and blending modes and instead manipulate pixels at will. Shaders are rendered in realtime, so they can be applied to video as well as images.


Conduit for Flash Pixel Bender is a visual design environment that obliterates the learning curve for Pixel Bender shaders. With Conduit, shaders can be created using drag’n’drop manipulation and with immediate visual feedback — no coding required!

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Popforge Sound Library (AS3)

Popforge sound library is bundled with many sound processing and manipulation possibilities. The library is developed by Andre Michelle and Joa Ebert.

Please note that Flash example files are under trunk menu. One needs to download them as well as the whole core lib package. Below are links to the files.



Happy soundings


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