Flash and the iPhone – opportunities and threats

Adobe is working with Apple on bringing Flash support to the iPhone:


On the other hand, WebKit now supports explicit animations in CSS, which will mean increased competition for Flash:


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Saving Flash graphics as image files at runtime

This tutorial explains how to make a screen capture of graphics generated in Flash, within the same file. Very useful for generative graphics that you to be able to create snapshots of, or for creating drawing apps with a save option.


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Detecting microphone activity

I found this on the Adobe website:

Programming ActionScript 3.0 > Working with sound > Capturing sound input > Detecting microphone activity


It’s still in the Flash 9 documentation, but might be useful for a simple sound detection application.

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Generating sounds dynamically in Flash Player 10

Very good examples about dynamic sound generation in Flash:


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Adobe unveils CS4 September 23rd

Adobe is hosting a webcast to publicly unveil Creative Suite 4, on September 23rd. Advance registration is required.


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Flash 10 – Adobe makes some noise

Adobe is developing Flash 10 Player:

You might be aware of the “Adobe, Make Some Noise!” campaign to bring more sound features to Flash:

Well, it seems Adobe is making some noise. Check out Tinic Uro’s blog:

Tinic Uro is a Flash 10 developer. In his words:

Yes, in Flash Player 10 you will be able to dynamically create audio. It’s not an all powerful API, it is designed to provide a low level abstraction of the native sound driver, hence providing the most flexible platform to build your music applications on.
With what we provide in Flash Player 10 we hope that we are addressing the most pressing needs of what you want to do with sound. I will likely be just a matter of time until we’ll see high level frameworks done by the community on the magnitude of something like Papervision3D. The next couple of years should be very interesting indeed when it comes to sound on the web.

Although a lot has yet to be done for turning Flash into a powerful audio development platform, the door has been opened and the future looks bright. In my opinion, this is quite exciting for developing online audio tools, and will lead to some revolutionary events in the sound world. Stay tuned…

Check also these links:

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Adobe – Open Screen Project

Is Adobe opening up Flash Player?

From http://www.adobe.com/openscreenproject/

The Open Screen Project is dedicated to driving consistent rich Internet experiences across televisions, personal computers, mobile devices, and consumer electronics. (…)

The Open Screen Project is working to enable a consistent runtime environment – taking advantage of Adobe® Flash® Player and, in the future, Adobe AIRâ„¢ — that will remove barriers for developers and designers as they publish content and applications across desktops and consumer devices, including phones, mobile internet devices (MIDs), and set top boxes.

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Course ended

The Multimedia Authoring Course part 2 (Spring 2008 edition…) has just ended. Thank you to all participants.

The projects can be found in this link (source code included):

Photos of the project presentations can be found here:

IMG_4425 IMG_4429 IMG_4430 IMG_4431 IMG_4438 IMG_4441 IMG_4443 IMG_4450 IMG_4458 IMG_4462 IMG_4469 IMG_4471 IMG_4476

Short description of projects:

anna_k_juho_j/ – Message management for public screen display
elise_liikala/ – Music player
eva_neesemann/ – Navigation solution for website
jari_suominen/ – Sample-based “organ”
keri_knowles/ – Sound visualizer
kristine_visanen/ – Generative graphics (particle system)
linda_k_suvi_k_teemu_k/ – Two motion tracking applications
margs_plaisted/ – Navigation solution for website
mikko_toivonen/ – Generative graphics (vectors)
pekka_hartikainen/ – Experiments with motion and rotation

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New Adobe app, codename Thermo

Adobe is working on a new tool – “Flex for designers” – codenamed Thermo. Watch the videos here.

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Animation session and projects

As mentioned during the course, there will be a special animation session (extra-course; attendance does not count towards course) next Wednesday, 9th April, from 10 to 12h. 

The following week will be project week. Feel free to discuss your project plan with me, either on the 16th of April or at any time (f2f or by e-mail) until then. It would be important to have this discussion before you start your project.

The project week will finish with a public presentation of the projects. 

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