Sound surface

I would like to do as the course project a touch responsive sound surface. By touching a hanging emergency blanket you are able to hear your touch. On the blanket will be projected a liquid surface. The sounds are being affected when touching the surface. There is a symbiosis with the light and sound. The touch starts the interaction and light changes on the surface affects the projected liquid and then the sound.

Posted in Inspiration, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, Portfolios | Leave a comment

Audio-Vision book by Michel Chion

Here is a link to Michel Chions book Audio-Vision in pdf:

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Haptic technology

Here is a video about a haptic pad that touches you back.

Text about haptics interactivity:

Also about Firefader, the haptic musical fader device:

Posted in Inspiration, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Spatial sound engine

I plan to implement a headphone based spatial sound engine. The user will be able to place sound sources into space around the user and to change the viewpoint. The sound sources are visible.

Direction and distance perception are included. The direction is rendered by using head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) from the CIPIC HRTF database. The distance is modeled by approximating the physical properties of sound.

The main learning outcome is the real-time processing of sounds.

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, openFrameworks, Sketches | Leave a comment

Natural Looking Simulation

For my project I want to create an audio-visual interface, that uses physics to create natural looking simulations. Hopefully this will also lead to natural hearing sounds.

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

IXI audio – Experimental musical interfaces


ixi audio is an experimental project concerned with the creation of digital musical instruments and environments for generative music. We are interested in the computer as a workshop for building non-conventional tools for musicians, i.e. not trying to imitate or copy the tools that we know from the world of acoustic instruments or studio technology.

We are interested in free and open music software in all senses. Free as in “free beer”, free as in “free speech” and free as in “free jazz”. The last “freedom” being the most important one. We acknowledge the constraints that software puts on the musician, the limits that the tool sets for the creative process and we therefore promote and try to disseminate technologies that open up the limits of software (or define new boundaries). We think it should be the artist that defines the scope of his or her instrument (and therefore music), not a commercial software company.

Our belief is that controlling musical structures graphically in screen-based instruments such as the ixi software, can be helpful and inspiring for the musician. We try to build “non-musical” interfaces, i.e. controllers that do not contain musical concepts from any tradition or cultureis can be liberating and open up for new directions. Visualising musical patterns is one of the main ideas here, but in a way that is open and not predefining the music. Intelligent interfaces is also one of our aims and we’d like to see instruments that understand and interact with the musician.

We provide the applications on this website as they are – there might be some bugs, some problems or inconsistencies – we try to code them properly, but we’re not a company with customer support, we’re a group of people that enjoy making music and artistic software and giving them for others to use as well.


ixi software: The Interface as Instrument (2005)

ixi software: Open Controllers for Open Source Audio Software (2005)

Screen-Based Musical Instruments as Semiotic Machines (2006)

Affordances and Constraints in Screen-Based Musical Instruments (2006)


IXI  audio webpage

IXI Youtube videos



Posted in Inspiration, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment


Ecclesia is an audiovisual iPad app created by electronic music artist Forss in collaboration with ( and designer Leonhard Lass ( . The app lets you experience the full 40 minutes of Forss’ latest musical project in an immersive audiovisual environment. The App is optimised and developed for Ipad 2 and up.

About Ecclesia:
Ecclesia is an album of music whose core inspiration is the church. Made at the dawn of a new postreligious age Ecclesia presents a fascinating dichotomy – on one hand, church music is some of the oldest in Europe, while the form Forss takes – electronica with fully integrated apps – couldn’t be more contemporary and cutting edge.

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

20 Hz

Amazing video:

Great writings about the relations between sound and image:

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Cardboard Computer Workshop

Cardboard Computer Workshop at HfG Offenbach

How do computers work on their fundamental levels? Can we build communication networks from scratch – with rubber bands, rope and cardboard? How do analog metaphors for Drag & Drop look like?
Those were some of many questions which I asked the design students at the HfG Offenbach, when I was there in order to teach a one week workshop at the class for electronic media. Our aim was to answer those questions with limited materials: We had cardboard, welding wire, glue, rope, rulers and cutting knifes available. And we tried to build computers – or some of their parts – out of that material. Here’s a hispeed slideshow of the workshop. And below you can find descriptions of the students’ projects.

Cardboard Computer Workshop

Developing Algorithmic Thinking by Inventing and Playing Algorithms

Posted in Courses, Inspiration, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Lego Printer

The Lego is printer is a… printer of Lego!

“Design for hackability encourages designers and non-designers to critically and creatively explore interactivity, technology and media – to reclaim authorship and ownership of technologies and the social and cultural worlds in which we live. Hackability implies more than customization or adaptation – it calls for redefinition. In a world where technologies are increasingly mobile and invisible, designing for hackability means allowing and encouraging people to make technologies be what they want them to be. It cultivates reciprocity between users and designers and supports transparency and graceful responses to unanticipated uses. Before entering into a broader discussion with the audience, panelists will discuss tensions between people and artifacts, technology and play, the creative use of readily available resources, subverting traditional functions and uses of networks, and the everyday realities of corporate design practice. These discussions will be used to generate a design for hackability manifesto to guide further explorations in designing interactive systems.”

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment