Rotoscope App: simulating freehand drawing with motion pencil strokes — sasha kazantsev

sasha kazantsev – Rotoscope App Demo
Read more about the final app on my website

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Creative Coding for Live Visuals

I’m running a workshop called “AVVX – VISUAL MUSIC WITH VECTOR GRAPHICS”, 10-11 April. Deadline for applications: March 8.


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The Second Nature



“Josh had a really unbelievable idea of using the camera with our telekinetic powers. Just like any of the three of us, as teenagers that played video games, would be able to do with the left joystick of our controller. And what’s almost… it’s second nature to us…”
Dane DeHaan, 2012, Chronicle Cast talk, chronicle2012 Youtube podcast

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Multimedia Authoring: project proposals

On 28/2, we will have our project concept presentation.

The project can be any application that involves the combination of different media with code. It should be interactive and/or generative. Special attention should be given to the concepts of sensoriality and experience. Real-time audiovisuals are the main suggested topic, but other topics are possible, upon discussion.

The preferred programming environment for the projects is openFrameworks, and this will be the one I will give support to. However, you can use any other programming environment.

Please present your concepts by posting to this blog, before 28/2. Use the name of your project as title. In case you prefer to post the concepts somewhere else, simply post the link to the blog. Please add at least one image or video.

The final projects should be presented 2 weeks (and 1 day) later, on 15/3.

Additional references/inspiration:

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Assignment – preparation for project

Preparation task: Pick one video and one text on new media art/design that you enjoy/find relevant. Video and text should be related. In class or via this blog, you will present them and explain the relation between them.

This should be done until 27/February.

Some links with suggestions of videos and texts: (many articles listed with direct links)

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Multimedia Authoring: Feb-Mar/2013

The course is focused on the generative aspects of multimedia design and the authoring process, interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on controlling media behavior through code.

Special emphasis will be given to crossings between sound and image: live visuals; sound visualisation; sonification; VJing; audiovisual composition; live cinema; visual music; etc.

The main development environment for the course will be openFrameworks (, although other environments will be explored. Students should have previously attended the Software Studies for Media Designers course, or demonstrate having acquired equivalent skills. Students are required to plan, develop, document and present a project at the end of the course.

Recommended bibliography:
Noble, J., 2012. Programming Interactivity: A Designer’s Guide to Processing, Arduino, and openframeworks (2nd Edition), O’Reilly Media.
Chion, M., 1994. Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. Columbia University Press, New York.

Note: originally classes were planned for 12, 14/February and 1/March, but these dates were canceled and will be replaced with other dates in the future, dedicated to project development.

14th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Introduction to openFrameworks, C++ and Xcode
15th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Generative graphics
19th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Animation and physics
20th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Particle systems
21st Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Image processing and video
22nd Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Audio
26th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Audio-visuals and sound visualisation (theoretical)
27th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Audio analysis and visualization
28th Feb 2013 9:00 – 12:00 : Project proposal presentation
12th Mar 2013 16:00 – 19:00 : Project following and debugging [date agreed with students]
14th Mar 2013 16:00 – 19:00 : Project following and debugging [date agreed with students]
15th Mar 2013 16:00 – 19:00 : Project presentation [date agreed with students]

Classes are on the 4th floor, computer room.

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Multitouch Interaction @ Media Lab Helsinki 12/2012

This video is a compilation of the exercises and projects done during the course.
iOS apps source code available at

IMG_0223 IMG_0309 IMG_2225 IMG_2233 IMG_2236 IMG_2241 IMG_2244 IMG_2246 IMG_2250 IMG_2252 IMG_2253 IMG_2260 IMG_2262 IMG_2264 IMG_2267 IMG_2268 IMG_2270 IMG_0404 IMG_4985

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Project presentations

Today we have the final presentations for the Multitouch Interaction 2012 course. However, you can continue working on your apps until just before Demo Day (20/December), I will give out the credits then. In order to get the credits for the course, you should have the source code on our shared DropBox folder by 18/December. Also for Demo Day (with the exception of Kris who will present separately), you should duplicate and fill in the A4 “leaflet template” that will be in the DropBox soon (Suse will prepare it and upload it latest tomorrow) until 18/December. These are the projects that will be shown in Demo Day:
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The idea is about a fish tank. There are two fishes in the tank by default, user can easily feed them, play with them by finger, let them kiss or maybe add a new fish in the future.


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The Hipsterizer

Presentation by the link

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