Augmented Reality links


Magazine/e-zines/blog articles:

Artistic/cultural/leisure approaches:



AR and the IT mainstream – Google/Apple/Nokia/Microsoft:

Projects from last year’s course:

Posted in Information Visualization Design 2013, Information Visualization Design 2014 | Leave a comment

FFT analysis in Processing

Sound spectrum analysis with FFT in Processing, via minim:

Posted in Processing | Leave a comment

Audio reactive visuals

My plan is to make audio reactive visuals with Max/MSP/Jitter. The screen will be black when it is quiet and there will appear two white (tower-looking) rectangulars when sound starts. They will get brighter and more lively depending on the level of the volume. Low-frequencies will be seen in the bottom of the towers and hi-frequencies at the top. The left tower will show the sounds that are coming from the left stereo channel and right shows the sounds from right channel. I want to keep it very minimalistic.

Here is an example of where I am aiming aesthetically (the beginning of the video):

And here`s one example of what you can do with Jitter:


Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment


Songs has been over time one of the most popular objects for romance (or unromance…).

It seems a song can say what you cant, and sometimes a song can feel like it came out of your mind and not out of the mind of a stranger pop artist.

For my project I want to do a visualizar of songs. I want to build an app (or something like that) that can produce generative posters of the songs that you want, so then when you dedicate a song, you can actually give it in a printed poster.
Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Chance Operations in Generative design.

Since I studied design, I’ve been really interested in how chance is a very important part in the design processes. As “Amereida” says: “Randomness rewards prepared spirits”
I have became very interested in Chance Operations towards the creation of generative Design.

Here is a very interesting conference about it by Casey Reas, the creator o Processing.

Eyeo2012 – Casey Reas from Eyeo Festival on Vimeo.

Also I found a very interesting article about chance operation in John cage’s work
John Cage, chance operations and the chaos game: Cage and the I ching


Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Medieval colour mapping

My project was based on the idea of using an old painting and manipulate it with digital tools. I created a simple image loader (slideshow) and attached a snippet of audioplayer code on top of that for the background music. For-loop was drawing blurry circles based on the RGB colour values of the painting selected. The original idea was to control circles with music but I couldn’t get that work so I created mouse XY controller for drawing simple lines across the image.

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Multimedia Authoring 2013 project presentations

The Multimedia Authoring course has just ended. Thank you to all participants.

Course reel, with projects by Barbara Rebolledo, Dan Qin, Fabian Häusler, Janne Koivula, Kirsi Ihalainen, Rajeev Siewnath, Saku Kämäräinen, Sasha Kazantsev, Shakti Dash:

Photos of the project presentations can be found here:

IMG_2468 IMG_2464 IMG_2463 IMG_2459 IMG_2457 IMG_2449 IMG_2445 IMG_2444 IMG_2442 IMG_2438 IMG_2435 IMG_2431 IMG_2428 IMG_2426 IMG_2424 IMG_2417 IMG_2416 IMG_2411

Source code can be found here:

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Light Painting with ASCII

My project deals with the use of a light beam on projected canvas to paint with ASCII. The installation could have more than one user painting simultaneously with light beams (LED).

Inspiration: “Painting with a digital brush”, executed at the Teehan+Lax labs.


Link to original article:


Initial Idea and inspiration:

I was very inspired by the  following example and was hoping to explore possibilities of similar “digital layers” for sequential art form of storytelling. I have been exploring/studying graphic novels and sequential art in digital spaces with regard to my own body of work, Ethereal (—-unknown).

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, openFrameworks | Leave a comment

Photo manipulation

I’m interested to manipulate old photograph or painting. Juxtaposing organic and synthetic visuals and using a similar approach with sound and music as well. Here’s an organic nature photo chopped in pieces and surrounded by grid.

Here’s some insight (very broadly) on remix theory as Lev Manovich sees it

Posted in Multimedia Authoring 2013-04 | Leave a comment

Gesture based music control

My application idea is based on the following input & examples

Leap Motion 
A 3D multifinger and gesture controller

univrs (uniscope version)
Live audio control and visualization

I want to combine these two aspects in my application. Unfortunately I do not have access to a Leap Motion controller. I decided to replace it with the build in laptop camera und use this information to create a more indirekt sound sphere.

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2013-04, openFrameworks | Leave a comment