Generative drawing

My application is a mixture a drawing app and live visualization app (like Gravitarium or Gravilux).

I haven’t decided about the final visual look, but it could be look like this:

Which kind of visual will be drawn is depending on the number of touches and their position on the screen:


The game menu (open with a double tap) will only provide 3 basic options:

  • one step forward
  • one step backwards
  • share/mail/save the artwork

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I ‘m planning to make a mindmap/note-making tool that I haven’t been able to find anywhere. (If you know one like this, please tell me and I can do something else :) )

The one thing I don’t like in mindmaps is that the layout is hierarchical and all the nodes are tied to hierarchy and each other with strings. What I need is kind of  a post-it brainstorming way of adding ideas and organizing them afterwards and more freely.

Basic features

  • Fast writing neverminding the relation between words. Just write and hit enter and you have a node bubble.
  • Orginizing  After writing down words you can freely drag, group, resize, edit, add, storage and delete the nodes.
  • Storage of “not so good ideas” on the bottom of screen.
  • Output/share (to image or pdf)

Some possible features

  • Tag based categorizing and use of  self organizing map algorithm to “auto-organize” nodes based on their colors and tags.
  • Rating
  • Lines to make connections
  • Draw to background
  • Draw a picture into a node
  • Media add an image or other stuff from web/drive.
  • Multiuser mode
  • Quick links (to google, music player)
Posted in Courses, Multitouch Interaction 2012 | Leave a comment

no name yet

An application to create and manipulate your own music/sounds. Nothing to write about yet, I’d rather explain.

the user would place units on the screen, lined up horizontally, forming a slider. double tapping a pair of units would allow her to load pre-recorded sounds from the system.

by manipulating the the spatial relations of the units (in pairs) the sounds can be altered in a way that would change the pitch, the playback speed etc.

ideally the view would act as a virtually infinite canvas where many units can be placed and can be zoomed in/out.


the platfrom is Android, might also port it to iPhone if I have time left.


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A playful application where you can attract fishes with your fingers and draw bubbles.

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Sound visualizer

This application concept is to show graphical performance by sound and music.

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minBox is an iPhone application that allows you to create minimal music by making use of pre-recorded sounds on your device. The app allows you to use those sounds and edit some parameters like the pitch, reverb, volume, etc.

With this project I would like to explore the idea (des)fragment and related somehow with the philosophie of  the ‘musique concréte’ that has emerged during the 50’s.

In the context of the course of Multitouch Interaction I would like to develop a prototype that allows you to add 5 different sounds/samples and play and interact with their parameters.

All my presentation can be seen in here:

In here are some projects that I took as inspiration:

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Stories by children

Concept 1: Tree Story

“Tree Story” turns readers into active participators of a story. At several key pages of the book the reader decides on the direction of the story, determining e.g. “Does the protagonist walk into the dark door or continues his way?” . Targeted mainly at children “Tree Story” contains educational elements, develops imagination and decision making.


In the scope of this course, this concept could be realized as a single story laid out on a big canvas of pages organized as a tree-shaped diagram. The reader would be determining plot turn-points by deciding on the direction of scrolling to the next page e.g. “Does the protagonist walk into the dark door or continues his way?” walks into – scroll up, continues – scroll down.




Concept 2: Your Story

With “Your Story” any child or grown-up can become an author of an illustrated story. Characters can get chosen from the app library or drawn from scratch. Backgrounds can are chosen from CC licensed online photo libraries. Text and sounds can be added to pages as well. Once a story is ready it can be read and remixed by others.

Below rough wireframes represent the core interaction flow that I hope to implement within the scope of this course. 

Inspiration and benchmarking:


Posted in Multitouch Interaction 2012 | 3 Comments

JADE — sasha kazantsev

The work’s previous development and overall idea is documented here.

The core idea remains same: final product shall address the idea of animal abuse in a milder than usual yet explicitly personalized manner.

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Zombie Defender

For my multi-touch project I would like to create a game. This game will be a variety on the so called defence games. The goal of this game is to survive as long as possible while your base is being attacked by zombies.

An important aspect in the game is tilting your pad. When you tilt your path a certain way, the zombies will fall in that direction.

Your base can have several people defending it. There are three types of defenders; grenade throwers, riflemen and shotgun. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. Through pinching you can direct their line of fire. A far line of fire differs in behaviour from a close line of fire! Keep this is mind when choosing a strategic spot.

By tapping your base you can deploy extra units and upgrades.

By double tapping anywhere on the map, you will force your base to move to that location. Be wary! While moving, your base is incapable of attacking!

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iOS AV Performer

The iOS AV Performer is a generative live visuals application for iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad that can control it’s host application (you can call it the Mac OS AV Performer) via wireless network. The whole solution will consist of two applications (built with Cinder) that will run on two different platforms:

  1. Generative visuals application that will run on a Mac OS computer (host application)
  2. Controller application (with similar visual features) that will run on an iOS device (controller application)

OSC protocol will be used for sending and receiving commands and variables. Here is a diagram that shows how it will work:

This kind of application will allow to use multi-touch gestures as input source for creating real-time graphics. It is a more natural way for creating real-time visual feedback as a mouse + keyboard or even regular MIDI controller solution.

Of course it depends on how you create the actual visual app and the mapping between gestures and functions that generate and control visuals is also important. Here are six basic ways of interacting with the app:


It is possible that I will use the iPhone (iDevice) gyroscope and accelerometer readings for extra effects.

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