Processing for iPhone

iProcessing is “an open programming framework to help people develop native iPhone applications using the Processing language. It is an integration of the Processing.js library and a Javascript application framework for iPhone.”

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Processing for Android

Processing for Android is now out. Peter Kirn has posted an interesting article at Create Digital Motion about it:

Processing now runs just as easily on a mobile platform with Android. You can try it with the free SDK and emulator, but it’s most fun with a device. Using all free software, you can sketch easily on mobile and desktop from one environment, and with only minor modifications, run the same code on a desktop, a browser, and a mobile device.

Check out also the related Wiki:

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AIR for Android tutorials

goToandLearn() have posted recently two good video tutorials on AIR for Android:
1. How to setup your development environment with Flash CS5
2. How to access the camera on your Android device

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The Endless Mural, by Joshua Davis and collaborators

Joshua Davis has just announced a new HTML5 project, supported by Microsoft / Internet Explorer 9 – The Endless Mural, an interactive, collaborative art website built in HTML5:

We encourage you to experiment, play and draw, using all the tools and artwork provided. When you are happy with what you have created, submit your composition to the endless mural and become a part of this global collaboration. See your own drawing as a part of an ever growing, ever evolving whole, and take a look at what contributors from all over the world have created…

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Programming Interactivity: A Designer’s Guide to Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks

Programming Interactivity is a book by Joshua Noble, released by O’Reilly in 2009, focusing on designing interaction with Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks:

Make cool stuff. If you’re a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electronic circuitry to create all sorts of interesting and compelling experiences — online and off. Programming Interactivity explains programming and electrical engineering basics, and introduces three freely available tools created specifically for artists and designers: Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks.


There is a blog to complement the book:

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Processing Books

There are now several books out focusing on Processing.’s own page regarding books highlights quite a few:


  • Reas, C. and Fry, B. (2010), Getting Started with Processing, O’Reilly Media;
  • Reas, C. and Fry, B. (2007), Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, MIT Press.
  • Shiffman, D. (2008), Learning Processing: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction, Morgan Kaufmann

Shiffman’s book has its own dedicated page:

The recent Form+Code book by Casey Reas also features many examples, including code, done in Processing:

  • Reas, C., McWilliams, C. and LUST (2010), Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press
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Google Chrome Experiments

Google has also set up an HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript showcase, “Chrome Experiments”:

These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world using the latest open standards, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and more. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open – the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome.

Google is also accepting submissions based on JavaScript.

One recent “Chrome Experiment” has been attracting attention: an interactive music video for Arcade Fire’s “We used to wait”:

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Apple HTML5 Showcase

Apple has recently set up a HTML5 showcase:

The demos below show how the latest version of Apple’s Safari web browser, new Macs, and new Apple mobile devices all support the capabilities of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Not all browsers offer this support. But soon other modern browsers will take advantage of these same web standards — and the amazing things they enable web designers to do.

Topics include video, typography, gallery, transitioms, audio, 360º and VR.

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Nokia N900 and Flash examples

Exercises from:
Designing Interaction with Electronics course, 9/2010
Media Lab, Aalto University, School of Art and Design
By Michihito Mizutani and Nuno Correia (Flash teaching/demos)
Course information and materials available here:
Introductory Flash/ActionScript tutorials available here:

Nokia N900 – Accelerometer: Flash example; Source files:
Nokia N900 – Ambient Light: Flash example; Source files:
Nokia N900 – Bluetooth Proximity: Flash example; Source files:
Nokia N900 – Vibrate: Flash example; Source files:
Nokia N900 – combining Accelerometer and Vibrate: Flash example; Source files:
(notes: Flash CS5 files; reset IP address to on the ActionScript to use locally on N900)

One student ported the previous example to, therefore it now can be edited/forked online:

Examples created/tweeked by students:

Posted in Courses, Designing Interaction with Electronics 2010, Platforms, WP/Nokia | 4 Comments

Flash iPhone/iPad apps now possible

Adobe reverses ban on Flash iOS apps (and other third party development software):

As Adobe states:

Apple’s announcement today that it has lifted restrictions on its third-party developer guidelines has direct implications for Adobe’s Packager for iPhone, a feature in the Flash Professional CS5 authoring tool. This feature was created to enable Flash developers to quickly and easily deliver applications for iOS devices. The feature is available for developers to use today in Flash Professional CS5, and we will now resume development work on this feature for future releases.

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