We Choose the Moon – FWA website of the year

FWA has picked wechoosethemoon.org as website of the year.

Wechoosethemoon.org is an interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time.

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Augmented Reality in Flash

FLAR is an Augmented Reality (AR) toolkit for Flash:


Adobe has posted a nice AR tutorial here:


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HYPE – Flash framework by Joshua Davis and Branden Hall

Last week I visited the Decode new media art exhibition at V&A Museum, London. There was one piece by Joshua Davis on display, and it was mentioned that it was built using the HYPE framework (by Joshua Davis and Branden Hall):

HYPE is a creative coding framework built on top of ActionScript 3. A major goal of HYPE is to allow newcomers to Flash and ActionScript to creatively play and express themselves while they are learning how to program.

From: http://hype.joshuadavis.com/

The first version came out in the end of October 2009, and version 1.1 was just released.

HYPE @ GitHub: http://github.com/hype/hype

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Course files Jan-Feb/2010

The course files can be downloaded (or viewed, in the case of .swf´s) from here:


All old course files can be found here:


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Multimedia Authoring: Jan-Feb/2010

The course is focused on the generative aspects of multimedia design and the authoring process, interface and interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on controlling media behavior through code.

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Flash Player 10.1 on Google’s Nexus One phone

Mashable published an article regarding Flash Player working on Google’s Nexus One phone:


It can be used to browse Flash-heavy sites and play online games, but it can also be used to deliver Flash-based ads.

There article includes a video from Adobe Developer Connection.

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Selection of best sites from recent months (Adobe Edge)

Rob Ford, founder of Favourite Website Awards (FWA), has selected some inspirational websites from recent months for Adobe’s Edge newsletter:


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Full-screen mode in Flash

Adobe article regarding full screen functionality in ActionScript, from Flash Player 9 onwards:


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Useful MovieClip-child tricks in AS3

Some useful MovieClip / Display Object tricks in ActionScript 3:

1. Send to front / back

To set an MC on top of everything else:

setChildIndex(yourMC, numChildren-1);

To put an MC below everything else:

setChildIndex(yourMC, 0);


2. Remove all children



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Global Variables in ActionScript 3

Although there is no “direct” way to implement global variables in ActionScript 3, as there was in previous AS versions, I found this useful workaround, using a class with a static variable container:


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