Category Archives: Courses

Multimedia Authoring: Apr-May/2011

The course is focused on the generative aspects of multimedia design and the authoring process, interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on … Continue reading

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Kinectic Jam Session 3

(continued from On 9/3/2011, the third and last (for now…) “Kinectic Jam Session” took place at Media Lab Helsinki. The objective of this last session was to provide some step-by-step tutorials on how to set up Kinect with different … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 4 Comments

Kinectic Jam Session 2

(continued from On 7/3/2011, we had the second “Kinect Jam Session” at Media Lab Helsinki.

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 1 Comment

Kinectic Jam Sessions

On 28/2/2011, we had the first “Kinectic Jam Session” at Media Lab Helsinki. These sessions aim to be very informal and hands-on, based on showing and doing things together. Objectives: – Exchange experiences regarding development with Kinect or related technologies … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Kinect, Kinect Jam Sessions 2011 | 2 Comments

Flash course at MediaBizLab, Aalto Media Factory

I am currently teaching Flash at MediaBizLab, Aalto Media Factory. The objective of this component of the course is to enable participants to create prototypes and interactive mock-ups. Program and resources 28/1 – Session 1: Basic concepts and managing information … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Media Biz Lab 2011 | Leave a comment

Presentation on prototyping in new media art projects

Today I’ll be making a presentation at the Designing Interaction with Electronics course. Theme: Prototyping in new media art projects. Topics: Presenting the project plan and accessing funding Sharing intermediate results within a team (ex: internal milestone) Sharing intermediate results … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Designing Interaction with Electronics 2010 | Leave a comment

Software Studies for Media Designers – Flash and ActionScript

This week we will be studying Flash and the basics of ActionScript. Step-by-step tutorials for all the exercises (with one exception) and respective source/final files are available in this website I’ve recently completed: Themes and topics: 19/10 – Basic … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Software Studies for Media Designers 2010 | Leave a comment

Nokia N900 and Flash examples

Exercises from: Designing Interaction with Electronics course, 9/2010 Media Lab, Aalto University, School of Art and Design By Michihito Mizutani and Nuno Correia (Flash teaching/demos) Course information and materials available here: Introductory Flash/ActionScript tutorials available here: Nokia N900 … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Designing Interaction with Electronics 2010, Platforms, WP/Nokia | 4 Comments

Designing Interaction with Electronics

Next week I will be teaching part of the Designing Interaction with Electronics course at Media Lab Helsinki, 8-10/September. A description of the course: The course provides a journey of design process from developing concepts to prototyping interactions. During the … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Designing Interaction with Electronics 2010 | 2 Comments

Coordinate Tracker This exercise is part of an environmental management project I am building for DVD seminar.

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2010 | Leave a comment