

Rapid prototyping for music, art and design work


UPDATE 17.02.2014

LES ANY Glass 
LED light + Solar powered mood light for ANY home ware Glass

Multifunctional LED powered lamp what can be used with any glass or transparent housewares what you already own in your home.

Idea is to make fully functional product to ad it to my design line.
Material will be wood or plywood.

Possible versions:
1. Basic:
1.1 with battery, light sensor and white LED. No need to have sunlight.
1.2 with battery and light sensor but programmable RGB LED

2.1 with battery,white lED, solar panel and light sensor. Independent light.
2.2 with battery, solar panel and light sensor but programmable RGB LED


links for similar products:

Hack Hat (+reflector)

In winter in Finland, hats are not so much fashion accessaries as indispensable life saver. So much so that I can see as many kinds of hats as the number of people here. I myself wear hat everyday and have knitted tens of hats and it dawned on me that doing some experiments with hats could be interesting and practical as well. The parts of hat: brim, strings, pompom, earflaps, buttons …etc. might be good interfaces acting as switches, sensors or actuators.

사진 (5)

Of course, there already exist tons of examples about hats, nevertheless most of them in no way look good and practical. I’d like to make a step forward to make them look better (or/and funny) and wearable as it is. (Most experiments with wearable tech cannot be wearable in reality. Who on earth is willing to wear hats with tangled wires and batteries?)

There could be multiple of or just one prototype but I’d like to make as many as possible. My goal is to work on some wearable tech in terms of ‘Playability’, the subject given. Along with hat, I also want to do something with reflector which are another necessity here in winter.

keywords: EEG technology, weather sensor, soft(knitted) sensor, fairisle pattern, knitting pattern generator, Peltier tiles, led

Animatronic cat ears

Pompom tilt sensor

Thermo electric flashlight with Peltier tiles




Excuse the working title for this project…

[description coming soon]


Trash Robot 

Karoline Kwon

The experience of waiting

the experience of waiting a prototype focus:plan



My idea comes from my experiences with the weather and the means of transportation here in Helsinki.

When depending on public transportation waiting is a big part of it. The waiting can feel boring, cold and time goes extra slow when you are by yourself.

bus stop


With my idea I See a potential to make the waiting more fun and bearable. It’s cold and often dark. So the prototype should confront that issue and try to create a more lively and cosy space where waiting is not a problem.

Different sensor could activate some kind of mood light that lights up where the passengers are. Maybe make them connect.

ex. these fake simple shadows appears when people stand in the waiting area, and they try to connect with other peoples shadows, so people are forced to recognize the other people waiting. Maybe even smile to each other or open up.

Here is a bad sketch of what I mean with connecting through some interactive projections or lights:



Here is a pdf of my idea:

the experience of waiting a prototype

Some inspiration from Germany:


Musical Paper

we waste many papers in our daily life, such as newspaper, unnecessary ad paper, mistake in writing, business documents.

when we used these paper for purpose, such as getting information, writing something, they suddenly become unnecessary. but I think there is some possibility to use in other purpose.

instead of using record, this player uses newspaper which we already finished reading unnecessary ad paper in short, out of use paper.

putting in specific field, then the sensor starts recognizing and analyzing that paper, and from that analysis, make some music.

the song will change by color, size, density of text or picture. so it means we suddenly get many records and songs by using unnecessary paper.

I think this is one of the ways to translate unnecessary to playful.





Play while you are on a ride (public transportation)

Mostly I spent 2 hours of my day in a public transportation especially in a Bus traveling from Vikkii to Otaniemi.
I can’t read nor focus on a screen for too long since I will get nausea.
On the other hand sitting for almost an hour on each side of the ride and not doing anything is annoying.

So, I thought how can I make use of this time?
I want my trips to be more exciting.
Thus, stop buttons are mostly everywhere in the bus.
What if the buttons are used for a group game instead!

Who ever is interested is welcome to play, but don’t forget your stop!

There is a screen in front for everyone who plays.
– Mapping your roots (Visualization)
– Learning your directions (Street names & Neighborhoods)
– Collecting objects in order to gain points.

In the end of your journey you have a visualization map and you have gain credits by cleaning the path.
But Yes we should use the credits for something useful!

Digital Umbrella & Body Language

2 ideas:

Digital Umbrella:

Umbrella making a booting sound just like most of our other digital devices, also playing it distorted if it is broken at some parts.


Body Language:

Drawing while walking indoors on a digital canvas.That way you can for example “visualize” the unconscious walking when having stressful conversations on the phone.


Toothbrush Fairy

Toothbrush Fairies need to be happy and you can make them happy by brushing your teeth properly. 🙂 Especially good for kids to learn how to brush properly and for parents to track their kids brushing activities.

Toothbrush Fairy


A bonus idea I just came up with… 😛

Mirror mirror on the bathroom wall…

Makes people wash hands longer, in resulting better hand wash result.

  1. Detects when standing in front of a mirror and sink.
  2. A text appears on to mirror, “Take some soap and I’ll ask you a question…”
  3. After taking soap, the a question appears on the mirror with a 15 second progress bar.
  4. After progress bar is completed, the answer is shown in the mirror.

Instead of quiz question, there could also be jokes, etc.



TP meter – Issey

TP meter

track how long toilet paper used and show as digital numbers.


wouldn’t it nice if people stop using too many TP and save trees in Finlnad? 🙂

there are some funny TP stand already…
12 Funniest Toilet Paper Holders
World’s Greatest Invention: iPad Toilet Paper Stand

Making an everyday object playful

Drawdio – a Pencil that draws sounds

The world’s deepest bin: The fun theory

Let it snow: Google Search during Christmas vacation

The Speed Camera Lottery: The fun theory

Ningen Gakki, Turn Your Body Into a Musical Instrument

Nicodama: Ryota Kuwakubo

Clocky: Nanda Home

Playble: Yumiko Tanaka

TV Wand

Drawdio – a Pencil that draws sounds

Designing Interactions with Electronics course 2013

Many products and services requires interactions today and it has been a big challenge for designers in how to sketch ideas. Sketching on paper will not describe your idea any more as you need to illustrate experiences. This course teaches you various techniques of how you can sketch experiences by making functional prototypes. The prototype can be from wearable objects to installations. The course will provide easy-to-use and quick-to-make tools and materials. You will form groups and develop ideas based on a given theme. The groups iterate their designs through prototyping. The final prototype should be presented at Media Lab Demoday in May.


You can find student work in previous years as follows.

If you have any question, please contact Michihito Mizutani.

Design your own camera with bricks

Rapid Android Development book

Designing dimension of your PCB in Adobe Illustrator

Make readable data for Eagle CAD application in Illustrator

  •  Only straight lines can be used. Vector will be a line when you import it to Eagle file.
  • If you have vector, add anchor points repeatedly. Object > Path > Add anchor points
  • Note that a line drawn only with two point will not be visible in Eagle file either. Add one more anchor point in the line (three point in total) as explained above.

Export DXF data

  • Select the object in Illustrator that you want to import to Eagle.
  • File > Export
  • Select format as DXF and give a name to the file.
  • When you press “Export”, a window pops up. Make sure Artwork Scale and AutoCad version are  correct as follows.

Import DXF data in Eagle application

  • Open the board view in your Eagle project
  • Download dxf_polygons_v4.ulp
  • File > Run
  • Select the downloaded file and press open.
  • File picker pops up. Select the DXF file.
  • A dialog pops up. Make sure you chose WIRE and Dimension layer as follows
  • If Eagle complains that the DXF is too big, Modify inser offset in the dialog.

Pulsar Kites

Pulsar kite video

It is fun to play with kites in Helsinki since there is a good wind current during most part of the year. For this course it was considered to add a value for kites with electronic features, in other words, to produce a sonification of kite movement. Thus the kite works as an interface to generate data to produce sound on real time, an instrument for musical or sound art performance which is controlled manually and modified randomly by wind conditions.

The interface has a wireless system that measure the speed and rotation of the kite, thus this data is transformed into sound on real time. Sound modules are designed upon on the principles of composition with pulsars, developed by Curtis Roads, and the micro sound studies of Alberto de Campo. For future development is considered to include a dynamic led light system and increase the number of simultaneous kites. Here is some pictures of the process of creation of the kite, and electronic devices used for the project.


You can view more test videos and documentation of Pulsar kites here:

Finally this project was presented in Voda Helsinki a visual arts, literature and music event  in Kalasataman Aukio, on sunday 19th august 2012.

WiFly connected to Windows Phone

I bought a WiFly Arduino shield. This is Wifi module enable Arduino to connect to internet directly. In this post, the shield connets to Windows Phone. How exciting module it is!

Please note that this post is not yet proving that your windows phone app can communicate with Arduino. It just shows the connection is established.

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DeadOn DS3234 real time clock breakout

DS3234 is also a real time clock IC. It uses SPI to communicate while DS1307 does with I2C. There is a Arduino library for DS3234 to provide simple methods to set and read time. You can purchase DeadOn DS3234 RTC Breakout from Sparkfun.

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DS1307 Real time clock

DS1307 Real time clock can tell time to Arduino. You can turn off Arduino as a small button battery is attached to the DS1307. Once you  set the right time on the DS1307, it can keep ticking up to 7 years.

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TLC 5940 – PWM Driver

TLC 5940 PWM driver can control up to 16 LEDs. You can dim each LED separately. It also allows to cascade multiple TLC 5940 PWM driver thus you can have more than 16 LEDs multiplied with the IC. As I need 60 LEDs, I am cascading 4 of them. As I understand, it communicates with SPI with a couple of additional wires. There is a Arduino library for TLC5940 which comes with good example sketches. I have attached basic schematic and Arduino code to test multiple TLC5940.

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