Category Archives: Courses

Multitouch Interaction: project proposals

On 7/December, we will have our project concept presentation. Theme of the project: The project can be any application that involves multitouch interaction. Many of the exercises under the “iPhoneExamples” and “iPhoneSpecificExamples” folders in openFrameworks are a good representation of … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multitouch Interaction 2011, Multitouch Interaction 2012, Multitouch Interaction 2014 | 3 Comments

Multitouch Interaction: course files

Course files for Multitouch Interaction are stored here: Files will be added on a daily basis during the course. Screenshots of the exercises (and other images) will be posted on this Flickr album.

Posted in Courses, Multitouch Interaction 2011, openFrameworks, Platforms | 2 Comments

Getting started with iOS development

To get us started with Xcode, openFrameworks and C++, we’ll go through this post: We will need Xcode (already installed in the Macs in our classroom): and openFrameworks (for iPhone): We will also need to get everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, iOS, Multitouch Interaction 2011, Multitouch Interaction 2012, Multitouch Interaction 2014, Platforms | 6 Comments

Multitouch Interaction – course program

The course focuses on using multitouch interaction to create engaging experiences using different media elements. Multiple devices will be used, with an emphasis on mobile phones/tablets and the iOS platform. Other devices and platforms will also be discussed. The main … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multitouch Interaction 2011 | Leave a comment

HTML5 and JavaScript course and tutorials

In the last two weeks, I’ve been teaching the Software Studies for Media Designers course at Media Lab, with Markku Reunanen. I taught HTML5 Canvas with JavaScript, and Markku taught Processing. The objective of this course was to teach the … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, HTML5-JS, Software Studies for Media Designers 2011 | Leave a comment

Multimedia Authoring 2011 course reel and images

The video is a compilation of the exercises done during the course. Mac apps and multi-platform source code available at​mediacode/​coursefiles/​course_2011_04/​ (Mac apps can be found within the “Bin” folder of each exercise)

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | Leave a comment

Physical control of Virtual Objects

So I ended up going for a combination of idea 3 with a little of idea 2 (the beach ball). I managed to get hold of the four pressure sensors and found them very responsive. I first made a test … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 1 Comment

My tiny audiovisual gadget

I am trying to create simple audiovisual environment by using sound input and output. User can interact by using his/her voice or pre-recorded sounds. Images are moving and changing randomly, depending of sound volume. It would be nice if I … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 2 Comments

tracking/drawing floor

The idea for the “drawing floor” installation was based on the interest of how people move in space. It was my interest for some time now to reveal how spaces are used. But this installation brings the idea to another … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 2 Comments


I’m trying to learn a bit about 3d OpenGL programming by creating a simple environment, a room. At this moment I have basic textures, lighting and fog working, as well as simple movement commands. If I don’t run into major … Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 1 Comment