Runner vs. Runner // Photo Tintamarresque

I have two project ideas, I’ll post them both here as I don’t know yet which one I’ll choose. I think I’ll first start working with Photo Tintamarresque.

Runner vs. Runner

This is an iPod/iPad/iPhone game for two. Both players control half of the screen. By tapping the screen with two fingers they make their runner run, the faster they tap the faster the runner runs. The person who reaches the goal first, wins. I would like to add another gesture beside the tapping, like swipe, to make the runner jump over obstacle. But this would have to be tested.

The device is held sideways. In the upper part of the screen there would be the runners, running against each other. The graphics would be quite simple and old school, like Atari style.


Photo Tintamarresque

This iPod/iPad/iPhone app allows person to add their face to a painting or a picture. French term for this is théâtre tintamarresque, it was a form of theater that started in Southern Europe in the Middle Ages. The performer placed his/her head through a hole and the audience saw a painted wall or curtain with an image of the rest of the body. I have been fascinated by these for some time now – when I was working as an exhibition designer I created tintamarresques in couple of occasions.

The person chooses a picture he wants to use as tintamarresque template, then takes a picture of himself to be placed under the template. After the photo has been taken, if needed, he zooms in or out and/or drags it to the right place. The picture could then be saved to the gallery. Maybe I would make it possible to add another picture to the same tintamarresque – some templates would have two empty holes to place two faces, so it would be possible to add another person to the picture or use two different faces of the same person.

The pictures would be something found from the internet or then I’ll design them myself. These couple of examples are found from the site of the Library of Congress and there are no known restrictions on publication for them. I would like the pictures to be old-fashioned, funny and quirky.

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iOS App for Simulated Graffiti

Concept “Simulated Graffiti”
The City of Helsinki practices a zero-tolerance policy for street arts in the city’s public space resulting in a city with only few visual signs of “real life”.
The idea of “Simulated Graffiti” is to bring street art virtually back to the city. This way it cannot “destroy” anyone’s property while providing almost unlimited space for self-expression.
The application is at the same time fun to use and raises awareness for the purpose of street art: It is at the same time an act of self-expression and of reclaiming public space for public life.

“Digital Spray Can”
The street artist uses a mobile device to draw/spray/paint/… the artwork virtually onto a wall. A first prototype of this device called “Digital Spray Can” has been developed during the “Physical Interaction” course.

During Multitouch Interaction Course
The plan for Multitouch Interaction is to develop a working prototype of the iOS application to accompany this project.
The application consists of two main parts (see flow chart):
One shows existing “Simulated Graffitis” on a map based interface (see UI mockup “map”). While being able to see the sites of different artworks, the application does not reveal the artwork itself. To see it one has to visit the location with a mobile device and the artwork will be shown on the screen (see UI mockup “info” and “artwork”).
The other part is the actual drawing interface that will use the input data sent from the “Digital Spray Can” to paint the actual “Simulated Graffiti” (see UI mockup “paint” and “color + cap”). While spraying the “Simulated Graffiti” the artist can see it on the device and when finished chose to upload it to save it to the map. GPS metadata will be attached to every artwork.

Related projects/inspiration:
Digital Street art:

Inspiration for physical interactions:

Augmented reality or ”replacing” apps:

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Multitouch Interaction – course program

The course focuses on using multitouch interaction to create engaging experiences using different media elements. Multiple devices will be used, with an emphasis on mobile phones/tablets and the iOS platform. Other devices and platforms will also be discussed.

The main development environment for the course will consist of openFrameworks/C++ with Xcode. Students should have previously attended the Software Studies for Media Designers course, or demonstrate having acquired equivalent skills. Students are required to plan, develop, document and present a project at the end of the course.


27/Nov – Introduction and developer registration
28/Nov – The development environment (oF, C++, Xcode); text
29/Nov – Generative graphics; multi-touch; accelerometer
30/Nov – Bitmap image

04/Dec – Video; sound
05/Dec – Project proposals – presentation and discussion
(please check this link from last year, but take into account the new date, 05/Dec)
07/Dec – GUI; classes

11/Dec – Project development
12/Dec – Project development
13/Dec – Project development
14/Dec – Project presentation

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HTML5 and JavaScript course and tutorials

In the Autumn term 2012, I taught the Software Studies for Media Designers course at Media Lab, with Markku Reunanen. I taught HTML5 Canvas with JavaScript, and Markku taught Processing.

The objective of this course was to teach the basics of programming to an audience of designers and artists. In the end, we published quite a lot of teaching material in the course blog.

You can visit the course blog here:

If you’re interested in HTML5 and JS in particular, you can check out my tutorials here (tutorials have been cleaned up from previous year):

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Multimedia Authoring 2012 course reel and images

The video is a compilation of the exercises done during the course. Mac apps and multi-platform source code available at​mediacode/​coursefiles/​course_2012_MMA/​
(Mac apps can be found within the “Bin” folder of each exercise)

ex3 ex4 ex5 ex6 ex7 ex8 ex9 ex10 ex12 ex13 ex15 Paja with TripleHead, ex6 Paja with TripleHead, ex7

Thank you: all course participants, guest lecturer Mika Tuomola, openFrameworks community
More info and outcomes from the course:
Music/sound used in the video:
Floating Points – Danger (Eglo);

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by Simon Lysander Overstall

The piece is a four minute sonification of the logistic map or logistic equation programmed in Csound. It uses the formula:

xn+1 = rxn(1-xn)

Over the course of the duration “r” increases from ≈ 2.99 to 3.99 exploring the bifurcation patterns and the fractal and chaotic nature of the output.


More info:

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by Antti Hietaniemi


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Grain Room

by Tommi Koskinen


Grain Room is an interactive audiovisual installation with particle based granular audio. The core concept idea is that small particles can flow into the room and out of it, and sound is generated from the presence and interaction (e.g. collision) of the particles. The particles are visualized on a wall projection surface and the particle sounds can be heard through the speakers. Particles are inaudible when they are not in the room and momentary silences can occur. The audio processing will be multichannel (4 speakers positioned on the side of the wall on the floor level and 4 above them).

The installation starts to live when users enter and exit and move in the room. The flow of particles in or out starts whenever one of the two doors in the room is open. When the doors remain closed the particles are trapped inside the room (if all the particles have not flown out of the room). The opening of the doors is recognized with infrared sensors that are controlled by an Arduino. This data will be sent to Pure Data running on a computer. Pure Data controls the particle engine (generation, amount, position and collision of the particles, and of course the sounds) and sends data to Open Frameworks application to make synchronized visuals for the grains.

I’m planning to publicly show this work at the entrance hallway of Aalto ARTS during the Cumulus Association meeting and MediaLab demo day in the end of May.


Computer (preferably Macbook Pro or Mac Mini)
Audio Interface with 8 channel output
8 Genelec speakers
2 Projectors
1 Webcam
Arduino with 2 Infrared sensors

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Multimedia Authoring: project proposals

On 27/4, we will have our project concept presentation.

The project can be any application that involves the combination of different media with code. It should be interactive and/or generative. Special attention should be given to the concepts of sensoriality and experience.

The preferred programming environment for the projects is openFrameworks, and this will be the one I will give support to. However, you can use any other programming environment.

Please present your concepts by posting to this blog, before 27/4. Use the name of your project as title, and “Projects” and “MMA2012” as post categories. Include graphics/sketches and a project synopsis (2-3 paragraphs of text). In case you prefer to post the concepts somewhere else, email me the link and I will post it to the blog.

The final projects should be presented 2 weeks later, on 11/5.

Additional references/inspiration:

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Multimedia Authoring: Apr-May/2012

The course is focused on the generative aspects of multimedia design and the authoring process, interaction design and the control of media elements in interactive projects. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on controlling media behavior through code.

The main development environment for the course will be openFrameworks ( Students should have previously attended the Software Studies for Media Designers course, or demonstrate having acquired equivalent skills. Students are required to plan, develop, document and present a project at the end of the course.

Recommended bibliography:
Noble, J., 2012. Programming Interactivity: A Designer’s Guide to Processing, Arduino, and openframeworks (2nd Edition), O’Reilly Media.

12th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Introduction to openFrameworks, C++ and Xcode
13th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Generative graphics
17th Apr 2012 9:15 – 11:00 : Animation and physics
18th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Particle systems
19th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Image processing
20th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Video processing
24th Apr 2012 13:00 – 16:00 : Audio processing
25th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Audio analysis and visualization
26th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Computer vision and Natural UI
27th Apr 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Project proposal presentation
8th May 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Further explorations and add-ons
9th May 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Project development
10th May 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Project development
11th May 2012 9:15 – 12:00 : Project presentation

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