Cocos2d for iPhone

“Cocos2d for iPhone is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications. It is based on the cocos2d design: it uses the same concepts, but instead of using python it uses objective-c.”

For example, Tiny Tower, iPhone Game of the Year 2011, was built using Cocos2d.

Via Ilari Niitamo, who did his project for the course using Cocos2d.

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MTI2011 – Dirk the gentle show wrestler

On the multitouch course I wanted to make a simple interactive story about Dirk the gentle show wrestler. The basic idea is to drag a huge canvas around to find the next chapter of the story. There is a button, where you can listen what Dirk is doing and who is he talking to.

In the future I’d like to add a button that shows the story in a speech bubble so that it can be read easily. Also a different narratives, where user can choose which way to take the story or randomized storyline would be a nice feature.

More pictures about the concept in

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Multitouch Interaction 2011 course reel and images

This video is a compilation of the exercises and projects done during the course.
iOS apps source code available at

Screenshot 2011.11.23 14.23.40 Screenshot 2011.11.24 17.07.58 Screenshot 2011.11.24 17.13.01 Screenshot 2011.11.25 16.56.32 Screenshot 2011.11.25 16.59.15 iPhone exercise 6 iPhone exercise 7 iPhone exercise 8 Guest Jari Kleimola IMG_9243 IMG_9258 IMG_9271 IMG_9273 IMG_9277 IMG_9281 IMG_9285 IMG_9288 IMG_9296 IMG_9295 IMG_9300 IMG_9301 IMG_9310 IMG_9314

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Guest presentation on Multitouch – Jari Kleimola

Yesterday we had a guest presentation by Jari Kleimola. Jari made a very interesting contextualization on Natural User Interaction, multitouch, and interactive tables, focusing on the project AaltoWindow.

Students are welcome to use the AaltoWindow network of interactive tables and interactive environment to develop their own projects. The presentation is below.

Download: AaltoWindow_NUI


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Project presentations, 14/December

Project presentations will take place 14/December at 14h.

To successfully conclude the course, please update your blog posts until 23/December with:

  • a few screenshots (around 3 would be fine);
  • and image(s) or video of usage of the app (showcasing actual usage, showing the phone, real interaction with fingers).
  • Please email me your source files (zipped).
  • I will then upload the file to a public server and add the URL to your post.
  • Update any text if necessary.
  • You might keep your wireframes/sketches in the post if you want.

If you cannot attend the presentation day:

  • you may schedule a separate presentation with me;
  • and please do the above changes to the project blog post before that.
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Convert audio files to .caf (iOS audio format)

To convert audio files to .caf (Core Audio Format), check out this tutorial.
You can use the Terminal, or a free app that does the conversion.
More on .caf here.

Some example sound files:

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Multifunctional Sliders

The realized project consists of a free number of sliders that have two axis of movement, but not independently. Additionally there is a row of triangular buttons that change to a pad area when scaled up large enough.

My original project proposal was a multitouch controller that sends OSC control data. The main work is to realize two sets of three circular sliders each with a range of 0–255 and have a circular button in the middle that enables dragging the centerpoint when finger is held in the middle and dragged. In addition there are ten boolean buttons that can be tapped to change their state, dragged around to act as sliders according to their X and Y coordinates as well as pinched to change their diameter, another parameter. One option would be to have them move freely with the inertia of the dragging and include another circular slider in each.

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Multitouch Art

Link to the Still Life with Fish and Lemon:

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Die Hard!

Its a simple game, Machines vs Human. I just tried to focus on the multi touch interaction. So, game will be the scene of on going destruction on the earth where humans falling from the buildings and the machines kind of hovering or flying around. You just have to pick one, two or three humans together and hit on the machines.

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The original idea is to create a real-time sightseeing application based on Google Street View Map. It is navigated by using “finger man” to “walk” on the street. You can move forward/backward, turn left/right. It is not zoomable, otherwise it won’t be the walking perspective.

Unfortunately, Google hasn’t released any Street View Map API for iPhone development, not to mention to make it “real-time”. And I couldn’t find any alternative technologies at present. Therefore, I decided to demo it as a concept. I think the Real-Time Street View Map could have a lot of possibilities, especially when it comes to real-time. For example, it could be used on commercial, live news (especially when disaster happen), live traffic report, weather…etc. To make it more interesting, maybe we could choose to switch to car perspective and increase the moving speed.



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