Qualcomm’s Augmented Reality SDK Available For iOS, Android

Via TechCrunch (including image):

Qualcomm launched a software development kit for building Augmented Reality apps (for Android a year ago; now also available for iOS). Also supports Unity.


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Multimedia Authoring 2011 course reel and images

The video is a compilation of the exercises done during the course. Mac apps and multi-platform source code available at mlab.taik.fi/​mediacode/​coursefiles/​course_2011_04/​
(Mac apps can be found within the “Bin” folder of each exercise)
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Physical control of Virtual Objects

So I ended up going for a combination of idea 3 with a little of idea 2 (the beach ball). I managed to get hold of the four pressure sensors and found them very responsive. I first made a test of my idea with a breadboard, then later went to the bother of soldering up decent wires for all the pressure pads so that they would survive people sitting on them! I had some neoprene type foam so I cut a couple of squares to make the two sides of the “cushion” and stuck the pads with tape between them. I used oF with the Arduino Firmata out of curiosity as I’d not used it before – it proved quite effective, although “traditional” coding of the arduino board would not be a problem. I will continue and convert this system to wireless using an XBee, so most likely I won’t use the Firmata then, let’s see. I will be adding sound to the application as my hope and intention is to make this into a drum machine for a wheelchair user, so she can control the drums by shifting her weight.
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Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 1 Comment

My tiny audiovisual gadget

I am trying to create simple audiovisual environment by using sound input and output. User can interact by using his/her voice or pre-recorded sounds. Images are moving and changing randomly, depending of sound volume. It would be nice if I will manage to create physical mouse-free (touch-screen?) object for the gallery space. But first step is to create good working environment for web ;)
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Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 2 Comments

tracking/drawing floor

The idea for the “drawing floor” installation was based on the interest of how people move in space. It was my interest for some time now to reveal how spaces are used. But this installation brings the idea to another level. By projecting the people’s movement in space back, it becomes an interactive piece. Passing through the tracked area people will leave a trail.
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Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 2 Comments


I’m trying to learn a bit about 3d OpenGL programming by creating a simple environment, a room. At this moment I have basic textures, lighting and fog working, as well as simple movement commands. If I don’t run into major troubles, I hope to add at least some of the following features: looking around with mouse, very simple collision detection (so that you don’t go through walls), some kind of ambient soundtrack (done with SuperCollider), a lamp as a point light source and perhaps some blocky furniture.


Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 1 Comment

Oil Visualization

An interactive timeline/production curve of oil production past and forecast. A data visualization
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Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 1 Comment

Glitch Rainbow

For this course I completed a first prototype of Glitch Rainbow, a simple software drum machine using glitch samples. Essentially Glitch Rainbow has 8 tracks and 16 steps (easily modifiable through single parameters). Each track has its own colour and glitch sample, and the steps are looped through infinitely. All the nodes, or blips, are off by default, and you turn them on by clicking.
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Posted in Courses, Multimedia Authoring 2011 | 6 Comments

Experiencing children’s book on iPad

My aim is to create Interactive children’s book with generative graphics for iPad — or a prototype at least. My project is an combination of classical children’s book with illustrations, animations and interactive elements e.g. scalable and movable graphical elements, drawint on top of the story, drawing content to the story, controlling the speed and direction of narrative.
This application is not a goal oriented game. It is a small study or a prototype how to utilize iPad for creating an experience for children and adults with non-violent and non-game like content.
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hells bells

– Want to use iconic part of music of one format, exaggerate it in order to progressively disintegrate the other.

– want to use simple touch features to exaggerate parts of the music.

– pull in music data from database/online.

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